Face it – When You’re White You Can’t Do Anything Right – IOTW Report

Face it – When You’re White You Can’t Do Anything Right



ht/ all too much

34 Comments on Face it – When You’re White You Can’t Do Anything Right

  1. This is actually a big load of my chest.
    Instead of worrying that I might be labelled ‘rayciss’,
    I know for sure that I will be no matter what. It’s actually liberating.

  2. My response to anyone who would have the nerve to call me a racist is “F.U. to the nth!” It’s all made up in their heads because America, being a meritocracy, only serves to remind them that their failures are theirs and theirs alone. They’d love to live in a state where their success is given to them because they’re too stupid and/or lazy to achieve what they envy in others.

  3. Since I’m pretty much aware of what’s in my thoughts, and I’m fairly well “in touch” with my emotions, I really don’t give a raft’s aft whether anybody calls me a racist or not.

    On top of that, hardly anybody who regularly uses the word can give you any concise definition of it, even an incorrect one. Yeah, I know, usage blahblahblah, but still…

  4. Did the assholes who practice racism against white people by calling white people racist over anything and everything think that this bullshit wasn’t going to be figured out one day?

  5. I’m Irish, married an Italian. First born was delivered by a black doctor, wonderful lady. My second by a Jewish doctor, great guy and he also delivered my third. My Primary care Doctor is Indian. My wife’s Primary Care Doc is Jewish. She broke her ankle last year,
    required a plate with nine screws and a Jewish doctor took care of it. I had an ulcer problem and a Chinese doctor handled it. I had
    Back surgery, A Jewish doctor; a leg circulation problem, another Indian Doctor.
    So where is the racism? Where is the Xenophobia.
    The Goddamn media are pushing racism, xenophobia, and all the other isms and phobias.
    I’m tired, tired, tired, tired, of all this shit!

  6. This whole all white people are racist is a continuation of Obama’s efforts to divide the country along SKIN COLOR. No rational person bases potential friend ship on a fucking tan. A lot of people of color are on to this bull shit. Except the purple ones.

  7. As a proud white male, all these raciss bitches can kiss my ass. Much ado about what went away years ago, but was resurrected by racist people of color. Sick of hearing about it all. After all, some of my best friends are white.

    Brock O’Bama is a fucking racist.

  8. The greatest honor a non white can give you is calling you a racist. It means you finally figured out that Whites are above all other races. It means you realize that NOTHING, not even peanut butter was created by anyone other than Whites. It means you have awoken.
    Whites are the ONLY race to make progress.
    If anyone believes differently, PLEASE try to prove me wrong.
    You WILL fail.

  9. Ryan H, muslims have given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation.

  10. To the blog,
    As an oppressed cracker, I’m tired of sitting around watching others bash my race. Where if I did the same exact thing, everybody, including my own race, would call me racist. When did my cracker brethren turn into a bunch of beta pansies? You all want to be 1%, not by wealth, by population. Cracker is the only race in America that can claim active genocide, some of it blamed on race suicide. And here’s a bunch of cracker progressives posting BLM can’t breathe feel sorry for ya signs on their posh lawns over 16 dead black kids; never mind your own race that suffers more at the hands of cops under the same circumstances. Fuck, I want to kill my own race right now. See how bad it is?

  11. If you have no chance of being right or at least meeting in the middle, what do you have to lose? Even if you surrender, you lose everything, so go down fighting.

    The alternative is living like the tax indentured slaves of CA, while the loonies live it up.

  12. After work today I’m going to set my dick on fire with napalm, get all likkered up and go out and misogynize me some bitches and night stick some colored folk. Anyone up for that?

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