Face the Nation Cannot Spin Their CBS Poll Highlighting Major Disapproval for Biden – IOTW Report

Face the Nation Cannot Spin Their CBS Poll Highlighting Major Disapproval for Biden

CTH: CBS conducted an extensive YouGov poll [pdf DATA HERE] on wide ranging topics connected to the overall Joe Biden agenda.  The first page of the poll gives a good idea of just how badly the broad spectrum of Americans view the current status:

In addition to the Biden administration being upside down on every issue; the result of doing exactly the wrong thing on every aspect of White House policy; overall, a big indicator within the poll is that 61% of Americans polled describe the Democrat party as “out of touch.”  [DATA HERE]

Keep in mind this is a YouGov poll, which generally skews in favor of DNC policy and doesn’t filter to just registered voters.  So the actual percentages are much higher. MORE

5 Comments on Face the Nation Cannot Spin Their CBS Poll Highlighting Major Disapproval for Biden

  1. I’ve been a YouGov respondent for 12+ years. It’s interesting that I was not sent this survey. They know from my history how I would have hammered poor Joe and I’m sure they skewed it as best they can, not sending to known conservatives.

  2. I was part of that, ya just have to skip the “brand related” surveys sometimes by not knowing anything about the brands. First question after skipping two brands is “do you generally think the country is on track”…

    I love telling the truth about government there. FJB

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