Facebook Addiction Is a Depressing Affliction – IOTW Report

Facebook Addiction Is a Depressing Affliction


A longitudinal study found that the addictive use of Facebook can increase depression severity among people diagnosed with depression. The findings suggest that overuse of Facebook can diminish a person’s sense of self-worth. The study was published in Computers in Human Behavior.

In both scientific literature and the media, there has been much discussion about the negative effects of social networking sites like Facebook on mental well-being. For example, there’s some evidence that the more time someone spends on Facebook, the more depressed they are. Findings like this have inspired the term ‘Facebook depression,’ which describes depression resulting from the prolonged use of Facebook. Shrink

12 Comments on Facebook Addiction Is a Depressing Affliction

  1. The Door Opened
    Quoted from some Past Post

    “The Door opened and a distinguished looking gray haired man burst in. It’s the only way to describe his entrance trailed by a couple of Deputies. He was both the oldest person in the room by 20 years, and the only one wearing a suit. He was in the building he explained with a delighted air of a man about to secure iron cald bragging rights, forever, and he just had to stop in and introduce himself to Zuckerberg.

    Hi Mark, Robert Mueller, Director of the FBI. Pleased to meet you. This is my friend Jim.”

    **Circa 2K , Pre 4K

    PS: Kara Swisher. Mark Cuban. Jason Calacanus. These are just a few. Tera and Tera Bytes. It was all Recorded. For the Record.

  2. I have a Facebook account with a fake name and zero friends. I do appreciate using it for my genealogy and history groups (and spying on people). Beyond that, it’s a cesspool.

  3. I ignored fb for years but finally joined –with a fake name and image– only so I could make a professional page for my small business. Turns out my alter ego is more popular on fb than I am in real life. He’s got almost 200 friends, only about half of whom are in on the joke. Ha!

    I was surprised to find it helpful in keeping me informed of ‘the buzz’ around town and among far-flung colleagues. I never post or comment politically but I am shocked and deeply depressed to see the vitriol some of my so-called friends and professional acquaintances in real life spew online about Trump voters, the unvaxxed, and other categories they don’t realize I am in. There is a bubbly local lady who would cheerfully have me locked up or refused medical treatment if she knew. On the bright side, it has given me an insight as to who I can and cannot trust when the SHTF.

    Facebook is the tech version of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story of “Young Goodman Brown.” Once you have seen the dark side of your neighbors, you cannot unsee it.

  4. “Facebook addiction” is actually narcissism. Someone is wanting to see how their posts show they are superior to others. Alternatively, they can see how their miserable life doesn’t compare to others and they get depressed because they don’t have the same stuff. They think they deserve the same stuff and get depressed because they don’t have it.

  5. When I retired from carpentry I couldn’t take being idle so considered getting into home inspections. When I discovered I wouldn’t have any chance without a facebook and Twitter presence I threw in the towel. I’m now doing small engine mechanics making much less than I could have but retained my sanity.


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