Facebook cites content policy to hide Biden bombshell, as Biden campaign admits it might be true – IOTW Report

Facebook cites content policy to hide Biden bombshell, as Biden campaign admits it might be true


Company cites “signals” of false information in Biden expose, but hasn’t said what they are.

Facebook cited an internal policy used to preemptively censor a bombshell exposé involving Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter even as the Biden campaign itself appeared to concede that the information within the report may very well have been accurate.

Social media was awash in controversy on Wednesday and Thursday as both Facebook and Twitter moved to block the story, published by the New York Post, detailing emails which suggested that Hunter Biden introduced his then-vice president father to Burisma adviser Vadym Pozharskyi. The emails appeared to contradict Joe Biden’s earlier denials regarding awareness of his son’s business ventures. 

On Wednesday afternoon, Facebook spokesman Andy Stone wrote on Twitter that Facebook was “reducing [the report’s] distribution on our platform,” calling it “part of our standard process to reduce the spread of misinformation,” one in which Facebook “temporarily reduce[s] distribution pending fact-checker review.”

Stone linked to a Facebook policy regarding election interference, one that purports to “stop abuse and election interference” on Facebook’s servers. That policy lays out the circumstances in which content can be preemptively censored by the site pending a fact-check. 

“In many countries, including in the US, if we have signals that a piece of content is false, we temporarily reduce its distribution pending review by a third-party fact-checker,” the policy states. 

Yet even as Facebook was publicly announcing its intent to preemptively censor the report, the Biden campaign indicated that the central thrust of the article — that emails appeared to indicate that Biden had had a meeting with Pozharskyi at some point during his vice presidential tenure — may have been true.  read more

11 Comments on Facebook cites content policy to hide Biden bombshell, as Biden campaign admits it might be true

  1. There’s a lot of dirty hands in what the Biden’s did. You know Barry & Pals knew what was going on. The media knows this story is true and they are in 100% damage control mode. Wait a bit and when they have to choose between Biden and losing money Biden will be yesterday’s news. Literally.

  2. Even if DOJ was inclined to do something about FB, Twitter, YT, Google censorship, nothing would happen until it’s too late, i.e. after the election. Then they will be “oops, our bad, it was a faulty algorithm. It will never happen again . We promise. “

  3. RadioMattM
    “They blocked distribution of the NYT story about Trumps taxes”
    No, as usual they told a half truth.
    They haven’t taken the time to show Bidens money hiding in a non-profit just like the Clitons, and Obamas.

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