Facebook co-founder pledging $20 million to defeat Trump, because he’s a big meanie – IOTW Report

Facebook co-founder pledging $20 million to defeat Trump, because he’s a big meanie


[…] Moskovitz said he and his wife, Cari Tuna, are giving half of their $20 million to the League of Conservation Voters and to the For Our Future political action committee. The latter group is a get-out-the-vote effort in battleground states that is paid for primarily by labor unions and hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer.

Moskovitz and Tuna also are giving directly to Clinton’s campaign and to party committees helping Senate and congressional Democrats, he said.  MORE

12 Comments on Facebook co-founder pledging $20 million to defeat Trump, because he’s a big meanie

  1. I wish some young conservative vunderkind (wonder child) would hurry up and come up with a more conservative friendly version of FB. I’d buy stock in an IPO, as well as “jumping ship”.

  2. This two-bit twat and his fishy galpal deserve to lose everything. So does Zuckieberger. FB is just a horde of liberal Cankles fags and Bernie socialists/communists. The gays only think..ooh Barky has been so wonderful for our gay agenda…we just lurv Hussein. Fcuk our country, fcuk anyone not gay, and fcuk us all is their sick mantra.

  3. Cato, right there with you. I thought BIG MONEY in politics was bad! Or is it only bad when conservatives do it? Or is it corporate money in politics that’s BAD! But he made his money from a corporation, so how is that any different? Does that mean Mitt Romney was right when he said, “Corporations are people”?

    I’m so confused.

  4. FB profits 6B per year on 22B in revenue.
    Zuckershit’s net worth is 46B.
    It would take 7.6 years of profits just to pay the little Fuckerzucker in full.
    What a crock. LOL, what an awesome investment, not.

  5. @JerryM — You beat me to it. Can’t have that, though. It would create an awful precedent for the progtards who think their job is finished if they simply lend their ‘talent’ to spearheading the celebrity fundraisers.

  6. Facebook was an idea stolen from the people that created Myspace that Rupert Murdoch bought and let melt away to nothing because the dumb bastard didn’t know what to do with it. Anyway, to be fair they took the idea and framework and made it better, added a process to target ads and pushed it public. Apparently, they also held back some information from the markets about how well (or unwell as the case may be) their targeting system worked as well as how many people actually hit the targeted ad they were presented with. The company went public, billions were made by the creators and the insiders and the only real losers were the public that bought the stock through their mutual funds and IRA’s. I guess the SEC thought it was just a mistake.
    Anyway, these are the silicon valley con artists especially that sob Tom Steyer who came up to Canada with a bag of money and handed it out to anyone who would object to TransCanada oil pipelines because it would cause his clean energy fund (made up mostly of companies getting government grants) to drop. Crony capitalists, all of them. A few years ago I never thought it would become this bad but I suspect before the end of my life the tree of liberty will be watered again.

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