Facebook Finally Bans Farrakhan, Media Downplays – IOTW Report

Facebook Finally Bans Farrakhan, Media Downplays

Facebook announced yesterday that it had finally removed Louis Farrakhan.  It also banned six others including provocateurs and right wing commentators Alex Jones, Infowars, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer and Paul Nehlen (who is described as a white nationalist). More

Shutting down the other accounts was a shrewd move by the social media giant, allowing the MSM to discuss the sins of the provocateurs and avoid mention of Farrakhan’s blatant anti-Semitism or chummy relationship with leaders on the left.

NPR, ABCNBC all used the same approach.

The Washington Post actually had to post a correction to their story. “Louis Farrakhan is an extremist leader who has espoused anti-Semitic views. An earlier version of this story and headline incorrectly included him in a list of far-right leaders.” Here


6 Comments on Facebook Finally Bans Farrakhan, Media Downplays

  1. Did the ending of the ‘Trump-Russia’ BS inspire Fecesbook to do the right thing? Could be. I expect to see a lot of Democrat politicians taking unexpected, early retirement, rather than face the wrath of The Trump. It’s coming.

  2. Anti-Semitic? Farrakhan isn’t just anti-Semitic. He hates white people and literally regards us as the servants of Satan. It’s the whole point of his religious movement! And these cowards and Quislings can’t bring themselves to say it out loud in public!

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