Facebook in Turmoil in Aftermath of Whistleblower – IOTW Report

Facebook in Turmoil in Aftermath of Whistleblower

suzy@Suzy1776_· Facebook employees are unable to enter the building, access key cards not working.

Sebastian Gorka DrG@SebGorka· So what do we think really’s happening at Facebook right now?


Why this Facebook scandal is different

Internal evidence shared by former Facebook product manager Frances Haugen shows Facebook has known — but ignored — the harm it causes.

On Sunday evening, a former Facebook employee who has previously revealed damning internal documents about the company came forward on 60 Minutes to reveal her identity.

Frances Haugen, a former product manager on Facebook’s civic integrity team, shared documents that were the basis of an explosive series of articles in the Wall Street Journal. The reports revealed that the company knew its products can cause meaningful harm — including negatively impacting the mental health of teens — but it still has not made major changes to fix such problems.

“There were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook. And Facebook, over and over again, chose to optimize for its own interests, like making more money,” said Haugen in the 60 Minutes interview on Sunday.

She also shared new allegations — not previously covered in the WSJ’s extensive reporting — about Facebook allegedly relaxing its standards on misinformation after the 2020 presidential elections, shortly ahead of the January 6 riots at the US Capitol.

In an internal staff memo obtained and published on Friday by the New York Times, Facebook’s vice president of global affairs, Nick Clegg, wrote that the responsibility for January 6 “rests squarely with the perpetrators of the violence, and those in politics and elsewhere who actively encouraged them.” Clegg also wrote that Facebook is not a “primary cause of polarization.”

Facebook has been mired in PR and political crises for the past five years. But this is a staggering moment for the company and the billions of people who use its products. Already, in response to documents revealed by Haugen, the whistleblower, the company has paused development of its Instagram for Kids product, brought two executives before Congress to testify, and launched a PR offensive dismissing the Wall Street Journal’s reporting as “cherry picking.”


31 Comments on Facebook in Turmoil in Aftermath of Whistleblower

  1. Conservative Twitter is claiming that the ‘whistleblower’ is a ruse, to push for greater government intervention into ‘freedom of speech’. Meanwhile, Facebook and apparently their other sites are down. Coincidence???

  2. That’s Wild…It’s down and so is instagram…..Some funny replies on Gorka’s

    twitter link…Maybe People will go outside and experience the warmth of the Sun.

  3. A core DB failure is unlikely. A DNS lookup failure, maybe.

    But I think Suckerburg crashed it to keep data from being extracted.

    Or it is running on Hillarys closet server farm.

  4. One more thing. I do Card Access systems. No way that one thing could cause the other. Panels run on memory that works after power or network loss.

    Someone had to disable access prior to the outage.

  5. Much ado about nothing. Facebook will live long and prosper because Facebook is far too important to the government. Controlling the narrative is what it’s all about these days and few do it better than the Zuck.

    Did something happen? For certain but don’t expect it to last long or have lasting consequences.

  6. facebork, all it’s employees, and their families, should be considered enemies of the freedom of speech, and none of these folks should ever have a nice day.

  7. A traitor to the Revolution has been exposed in our own ranks.

    The shutdown is so purges can commence. We will intensely question the Party faithful for their TRUE loyalty, then eliminate those who we don’t believe are sufficiently pure so the Revolution can advance, eliminating them even from history.

    That’s what I taught them to do, anyway…


  8. Never forget Facebook and Twitter censored life saving information cures/treatments for covid infections and suppressed facts about the dangers/fatal risks of the jabs. Massive amount of blood is on their hands. Goes for the media, too.

  9. Remember life before all these so-called social media platforms?

    The operative word here is “life”, as in having one. It’s very telling that there are a sizeable number of people — especially Gen Z — who don’t know how to live life without telling any random internet stranger their most intimate (and boring) thoughts. If you subscribe to NextDoor, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. What started out as a nifty app to help neighbors with referrals for various contractors and share info on local stores, restaurants and other services, has devolved into lazy, bored people posting the most inane questions about stuff and bleating out their political nonsense (entirely Leftist crap).

  10. If they’re accusing the WSJ of “cherry picking”, then that’s admitting there is other stuff out there they could have chosen from. Let’s see the list!

  11. The MSM is supporting the whistleblower?
    Warning, warning, warning, it’s a psyop and not a very good one.
    When it comes to bad operations, my money is on the fbi.

  12. Different Tim — Doesn’t “cherry picking” imply that whatever is being used as an example is so statistically one-off that it’s considered a true outlier? That’s how I take FB’s meaning. They’re using the term to deflect; not from other stuff, but from the revealed stuff.

  13. It’s telling that Zucker, Bezo, and other tech titans don’t allow their own kids to use their products.

    I saw PhotoBucket as a threat and never signed up to reveal every facet of my life to the world. I’ve always thought that those that did were either misguided, vain, stupid, or all of the former mentioned.

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