Facebook Post by Slain Marine’s Mom Slamming Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Facebook Post by Slain Marine’s Mom Slamming Joe Biden

Kareem Nikoui

President Joe Biden Joe Biden This msg is for you! I know my face is etched into your brain! I was able to look you straight in the eyes yesterday and have words with you. After i lay my son to rest you will be seeing me again! Remember i am the one who stood 5 inches from your face and was letting you know i would never get to hug my son again, hear his laugh and then you tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story and i had to tell you “that this isn’t about you so don’t make it about you!!!” You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how i feel and i let you know that you don’t know how i feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how i feel! U then rolled your fucking eyes in your head like you were annoyed with me and i let you know that the only reason i was talking to you was out of respect for my son and that was the only reason why, i then proceeded to tell you again how you took my son away from me and how i will never get to hug him, kiss him, laugh with him again etc… u turned to walk away and i let you know my sons blood was on your hands and you threw your hand up behind you as you walked away from me like you were saying “ ok whatever!!! You are not the president of the United States of America Biden!!!! Cheating isn’t winning!!!You are no leader of any kind! You are a weak human being and a traitor!!!! You turned your back on my son, on all of our Heros!!! you are leaving the White House one way or another because you do not belong there!MY SONS BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!!! All 13 of them, their blood is on your hands!!!! If my president Trump was in his rightful seat then my son and the other Heros would still be alive!!!! You will be seeing me again very soon!!! Btw as my son and the rest of our fallen Heros were being taken off the plane yesterday i watched you disrespect us all 5 different times by checking your watch!!! What the fuck was so important that you had to keep looking at your watch????You are nobody special Biden!!! America Hates you!!!!!

22 Comments on Facebook Post by Slain Marine’s Mom Slamming Joe Biden

  1. Well said and from the broken heart. Now FaceBook, go on and do your evil thing. And FBI, you do yours. We expect no less from either of you by now. But you cannot touch her without burning yourselves.

  2. Can’t add a thing to what this grieving mother said.

    God bless all those who grieve today.

    And may God punish all those that caused the greif.

    Soon and very soon.

  3. I admire an intense and captivating rant, even though the cause for this one is dismaying and heart-wrenching.

    Gotta make one observation: Joey *IS* special. Very, very special. And I hope he gets the attention he deserves. So to speak.

  4. When Biden dies, he’s going to get more funerals than George Floyd and John McCain combined, and you can’t look at your watch to see when it ends, you’ll have to look at your calendar, because that’s the twisted world we live in.

  5. Only one correction to her eloquent statement: “I know my face is etched into your brain!”. Unfortunately Joe con’t remember his own name. Her face was probably forgotten as soon as he turned and walked away.

  6. The blood of these dead and injured men and women is also on every Justice on the Supremely Gutless Court. They will also have the blood of tens of thousands of Afghans who will be slaughtered in the next couple of years, because they allowed this demented fool to get Installed. Remember this as things get much worse over there.

  7. @JD

    Facebook can’t stand the reality of a grieving mother for a son whose life was needlessly wasted by an ignorant (p)resident and his equally ignorant military and civilian advisors.

  8. “In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”

    ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

  9. “You are leaving the White House one way or another because you do not belong there!”……..

    Hopefully in a legitimate manner, if at all possible.

    The problem with Biden is, like some/many of his “Party”, is he has absolutely no respect for the country he was born into, nor the people he now openly spits on.

  10. JD Hasty, that is one of my favorite quotes.

    A fellow Son of Wyoming’s mother speaks her mind and is banned…

    I feel, like many that I am going through a dreadful nightmare and hope to awaken, realizing all is well in the world. Then some A-hole will spout off and say tritely, “welcome to the new normal”, “err herr, err herr, ayuck, gerrr herr” to which I envision my fist going through the back of their head!

    So sick of the new “Abnormal”!

    JD, I will probably be paraphrasing one of my favorite quotes, of memory long ago, and sadly have forgotten the author, but, ‘ people are always going on about heir lot in life and blame it on their circumstances. The people that get on in this world are the people that look for the circumstances they want, and if they can not find them, make them’!

    May Almighty God Bless the families of the fallen richly and may their loving memories be eternal!

    Wyo. Strong!

    Let ‘er buck!!

  11. @Tony R

    That is exactly what I was thinking. She is 100% correct on everything except for Biden remembering ANYTHING.

    He is a barely functioning Rubber stamp and the remains of what was always an Idiot.


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