Facebook Post on Local Restaurant Chain Donating to Trump Sets Off Social Media – IOTW Report

Facebook Post on Local Restaurant Chain Donating to Trump Sets Off Social Media

Epoch Times:

A Facebook post about donations by a local chain of restaurants in Michigan to President Donald Trump has set off a heated debate on social media.

Thirty-year-old insurance agent Doug Chu shared a screenshot of two donations made by Anna’s House, a chain of eight restaurants, on his Facebook page on Aug. 7.

The screenshot of the donation receipts on the Federal Election Commission’s (FEC) website shows Anna’s House made two donations of $2,800 each to Trump’s presidential campaign on April 2.

The FEC website shows one donation made for “General” election type and the other made for the “primary” election type. The FEC receipts also show a third donation of $15,000 made to Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee.

The debate was set off with Chu sharing his disapproval of the chain’s support for the president. “Anna’s house is canceled,” wrote Chu, who is originally from Singapore, according to his Facebook profile.

The post gathered more than 200 comments over the next two days, prompting written statements from Anna’s House and from the Kent County Republican Party Chair.

Chu did not immediately respond to The Epoch Times’ request for comment.

Debate Online

Supporters of Trump expressed that they would continue visiting Anna’s House whereas those against Trump said they would boycott the chain of restaurants, with some suggesting alternative outlets for a similar menu.

“Well… I guess I won’t be going there! Used to love that place,” wrote one person.

“How dare they tempt me with good food and then turn around and do this,” wrote another.

There were enough expletives and emoticons in the comments, some made lightheartedly, some angrily, and others mockingly.

“Ha… who cares… I eat at plenty (of) establishments that have different political views,” one person commented. “Especially if they make a mean omelet. I guess it’s a free country either way. Maybe I won’t have to wait an hour on Saturdays any more…”

Some people said differences in opinion are everywhere and that linking politics with food is going a bit far.

“If I boycotted every place I disagreed with politically, I would probably eat nowhere,” wrote one person.

Anna’s House, Local Republicans Respond

10 Comments on Facebook Post on Local Restaurant Chain Donating to Trump Sets Off Social Media

  1. Actually, I think every donation made by any one and every business for any politician and/or political party and/or PAC should be publicized.

    It’s called “honesty.” Let the slime bags who support totalitarianism (Demonrats, Progressives, Socialists, Nazis, Communists, Pelosi, Waters, Hoyer, Schumer, Wilson, Schitt, Nadler, &c.) come out of the closets, out from under their rocks, out of the sewers, and out of the fetid swamps of retardation.

    I donated to Trump – and I’m proud of it.
    I DON’T donate to the RNC, NRCC, or the NRSC – and I’m proud of that, too!
    (course … I don’t run a business)

  2. Well done, Wyatt@SayWhenLA, well done.
    I grew up in the Boston area, during the 60s, when schools still taught history (especially local colonial pre-USA history).

  3. So, are conservatives going to swamp Anna’s House around the block, like they’ve done to ChikFilA?
    Don’t these silly brainless feelz goodz Libtards realize that when they try to “out” a conservative establishment, it only backfires on them?

  4. “Anna’s house is canceled,” wrote Chu”

    How about if we cancel Chu’s green card instead? Twerp’s gotta lotta chutzpah coming over here “canceling” people. He’d be caned or worse for this outburst in his country.


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