UPDATE: Facebook Backs Off –Facebook Pulls This Townhall Piece – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Facebook Backs Off –Facebook Pulls This Townhall Piece

Cliff Nichols emailed and said Facebook relented and is now allowing the piece to run.

Minor victory. We need major ones, but it can be done.

I just had the pleasure of becoming an acquaintance with lawyer/writer Cliff Nichols, and tonight I received an email that his piece for Townhall has been pulled.

Opposition to the Wall is Symbolic of a Nation in Decline.

It “violated Facebook’s community standards.”

Nichols wrote- “apparently, declaring one’s patriotism and support for his President is considered ‘hate speech.’ At minimum, the piece must have touched a nerve, although I’m not certain exactly how. I would love to get your thoughts on what you think FB was bothered by in this piece. They don’t really specify in their notice.”

Here’s the piece.

What is the offense?


13 Comments on UPDATE: Facebook Backs Off –Facebook Pulls This Townhall Piece

  1. What is the offense?

    Have you looked at where tech company employees come from? I have worked at several employers where I was the only US citizen in the engineering dept.

  2. I think he “spoke truth to power” in reverse and the Lefts own mantas aren’t to be used against them is one big no-no. He also used , “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” more than once. For shame! 😡

  3. He wrote a couple of things that anger the leftist media masters. First was his point number III.

    “iii. The political orientation of those who are in control of our social media can determine whether a lie will be disseminated with lightning speed to millions of people, while at the same time can be used to justify the silencing — censorship — of those in a position to offer any evidence that would reveal it, in fact, to be a lie;”

    He shows Fakebook to be a complete lie run by lying liars that have no concern other than taking advantage of people to sell their private data to the globalist elites.

    Secondly, he stated this:

    “I love my country, and therefore, I support my President.”

    Admitting that he loves his country and supports Trump is reason for those on the left (like Fakebook, twitter, et. al.) to disown / dehumanize him and officially make him a non-person.

    It is becoming more and more clear that the only way for America to remain a sovereign, free nation is for real Americans to righteously dispose of a lot of misguided, evil people. As sad as this is, I fear it is inevitable if we are to remain a free people.

  4. The people that control social media have a very unrealistic view of the world. They take a flawed and childlike approach to life and especially lack any fundamental understanding of human nature. They fear the flaws in their views will be exposed and dismantled therefore will not allow.

  5. I was unable to post this on Facebook using an URL. I copied the text, deleted any townhall links, and was able to post it. Who knows how long before I’m in Facebook jail. Who cares.

  6. I read the article and in way found anything resembling offensive content. So this is an actual human at FB making this accusation I suspect. I copied/saved/posted as well, so IT IS ON Facebook.

  7. Major Mal Function got it right.

    I would add: how many polysci, history, classics or law classes do you think even American-born tech workers have taken.

    These are the very last people who should be permitted to censor anyone’s speech. They may be able to code but even the well-meaning are essentially ignoramii.

  8. I didn’t read the whole thing but in skimming I noticed the words “Peoples Republic of Santa Monica”. That’s a no-no. Only other thing I picked up on was “homosexuals”, another, obviously, no-no..LGBTQESTREX is proper. There are probably many more slip-ups but those stood out to me in a short scan.

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