Facebook reconsiders ‘real name’ policy after pushback from trannies, Native Americans – IOTW Report

Facebook reconsiders ‘real name’ policy after pushback from trannies, Native Americans


WaTimes: Facebook is preparing to fine-tune its “real name” policy after facing opposition from Native Americans, drag performers and members of the trans community among others, who had taken aim at the social networking site’s rules on how users can identify themselves online.

Alex Schultz, Facebook’s vice president of growth, wrote in an open letter published on Friday that the website will begin testing and implementing new features in the coming months intended to address concerns raised by individuals upset with rules that have created hardships for users who don’t register with their “authentic names.”


9 Comments on Facebook reconsiders ‘real name’ policy after pushback from trannies, Native Americans

  1. When I consider the amount of time and energy that people put into Facebook I am more convinced than ever that it is part of a plot to distract us from the REAL problems of the world. BTW, Facebook is increasingly a factor in Orders of Protection sought in New York City Family Court.

  2. A corporation (Facebook) delivers a FREE product. However, you must deliver to Facebook, government documents, passport, driver’s license, marriage license, or document that shows the name you want to use such as library card or insurance card.

    Facebook is involved in censorship in all countries of the world. Angela Merkel calls, Facebook Censors, The Mullahs call and Facebook answers, the FBI, CIA, NSA, Child Courts, Criminal Courts all call and Facebook Censors.

    Facebook holds these documents that Americans provides in their own corporate database and may share those documents, your affiliations, and your governmental data with any political organization they desire.

    Facebook, suspends accounts, it doesn’t delete them, it suspends them, which leaves your computer open to spamming, auto-emailing, tolling etc., and Facebook denies the voice of the individual, because all commentary boards that are Facebook based, will not allow comments, replies or even the viewing of information to the person whose account has been suspended.

    Remember Fascist Italy put into place the “corporate state”, and we are now seeing the possibilities and consequences through the eyes of Facebook.

    “Free” Social Media comes at a great expense to Americans.

  3. I know a solution to the original problem. if a tranny , or other deviate does not want to use it’s real name, FB should automatically default to FREAK#… and a counter adds a number to the end so we can keep track.
    And for the record I would love to go one day and not hear any news report, social media, or on the street conversation about transgender. wouldn’t that be a treat?

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