Facebook Rejects Jesus For Being “shocking, sensational, or excessively violent content,” – IOTW Report

Facebook Rejects Jesus For Being “shocking, sensational, or excessively violent content,”


On Good Friday, the day Christians worldwide commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Franciscan University of Steubenville attempted to publish a series of Facebook advertisements for its master’s degree program in theology, catechetics, and evangelization.

Facebook immediately put its foot down, refusing to approve one ad because it contained “shocking, sensational, or excessively violent content,” according to a university official.

What was so inappropriate that Facebook would ban an ad? It contained an image of the San Damiano cross (below), a medieval icon depicting the crucified Christ that is commonly associated with the Franciscan order, the university’s web communications director, Tom Crowe, wrote in a blog post that same day.

It is said that Jesus spoke to the order’s founder, St. Francis of Assisi, from the original San Damiano cross, now on display at the Basilica of St. Clare in Assisi, Italy.

Crowe’s post noted the irony of Facebook’s rejection occurring on Good Friday, for Christ was “despised and rejected of man.” He continued: “It was ever thus and will ever be, for those who do not see with the eyes of faith, and love with a love unquenchable.”

Crowe told The College Fix in an email that Facebook had rejected the university’s ads before, but never because of their content or viewpoint. They simply contained too much text: “Facebook only allows 20 percent of an image used in an ad to be covered with words and rejects images with more than that.”


9 Comments on Facebook Rejects Jesus For Being “shocking, sensational, or excessively violent content,”

  1. i watched on Fox this morning about Washington University have some class on “Christian Privilege”. Noting is scared these days. except black lives matter- snowflakes protesting guns and bad mouthing everyone over 30.. give me a break—–

  2. Fakeboook’s days are brokere numbered. The veil has been lifted and it’s true nature, while known to most thinking people, had been laid bare for all. It may not happen immediately, but it will happen sooner than we may realize.

  3. I have to admit that I’ve always thought that it was strange that Christianity would choose a symbol representing an instrument of torture, but hey – as long as everyone’s good with it, who am I to question things?



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