Facebook This: Look Which Top Employers Hired Fake Visa Mill “Students” – IOTW Report

Facebook This: Look Which Top Employers Hired Fake Visa Mill “Students”

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CR:  The most striking fact about a federal “pay to stay” visa scam sting that led to 21 arrests is buried near the bottom of a New York Times story. Working undercover, government agents ensnared U.S.-based brokers who recruited more than 1,000 Chinese and Indian “students” to enroll in a fake university that provided them F-1 student visas, H-1B foreign guest worker visas, visa extensions, and work authorization documents. Who hired these completely unvetted workers from the phony “University of Northern New Jersey?’ Facebook, Apple, Morgan Stanley, and, gulp, the U.S. Army:  Some of the so-called students used the visas to get jobs at Facebook and Apple, according to the law enforcement official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because this information was not part of the complaints. ABC News reported that Facebook hired an applicant with a fraudulent visa, and that another visa holder went to the Army 

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2 Comments on Facebook This: Look Which Top Employers Hired Fake Visa Mill “Students”

  1. Would BFH or somebody at IOTWREPORT please report on this:


    An article on an Asian rape gang of Asians from Asia being sentenced for horrific years long rape and grooming of a learning disabled victim.

    Amazingly, there have been NO COMMENTS AT ALL at DM online on the article. Huh.

    I’m sure they wouldn’t scrub the righteous outrage no doubt being unleashed in the comment section, would they? At least here, the comments are posted!

    Better watch out for those ‘Asians’.

  2. Zuckerburg is even more devious immoral and evil than Soros. His new Virtual reality goggles, Oculus will spy on the user 24/7–and will also promote the complete destruction of real human intimacy-if there is ever an actual truthful history written in the future he will be one of the most damaging humans to have lived.

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