Now, Facebook Wants Banks to Hand Over Your Financial Information – IOTW Report

Now, Facebook Wants Banks to Hand Over Your Financial Information


Facebook has been asking banks in the United States for their customers’ financial data, including account balances and transactions, according to a report.

The Wall Street Journal revealed that the social network has been asking major banks to “share detailed financial information about their customers, including card transactions and checking account balances, as part of an effort to offer new services to users.”

The banks asked by Facebook included JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and U.S. Bancorp, while one “large U.S. bank pulled away from talks due to privacy concerns.”

“Facebook has talked about a feature that would show its users their checking-account balances, the people said. It has also pitched fraud alerts,” reported the Wall Street Journal, which claimed, “Facebook has told banks that the additional customer information could be used to offer services that might entice users to spend more time on Messenger.” more here

23 Comments on Now, Facebook Wants Banks to Hand Over Your Financial Information

  1. Destroy them. Leave them. Contact any company that you do business with that if they have the f on their page that you will not do business with them. Hurt them.
    To bad we don’t have a Judicial that will stand up to the Cyborg.

  2. In addition to official verified accounts on fakebook, they could have a financial percentage weighting on all users. So when someone has that 1% or less next to their name everyone can freely pig pile them.

    If you have more than 30 bucks in your account, you’re probably already in the top 10% of loserface users.

  3. @F4UCorsair,
    If you pay attention, you’ll see advertisements that say “Find us on facebook,” “like us on twitter,” which is of course backwards.

    Similar to the idiots that say, goto[BACKslash]free\free will always be a malformed URL.

  4. I would imagine FB is pitching the idea that all those banks that offer their services online should let FB handle that for them.

    Because FB has made up their mind to become the internet. And likely will.

    They’ll make moves (offers that can’t be refused) on any institution from banking to medical, travel, learning and instruction, entertainment, you name it.

    Google and FB, it’ll make things like governments seem like a bad dream when they really get moving.

    Wonder what they’ll call their love child?

    OBTW, this all started when we expressed displeasure with having to remember multiple login names and passwords. These two took us seriously. You’ll log on at birth. The system will log you out upon your demise.

  5. What is the good reason to go back after a month’s boycott and resume adding to their coffers/power?

    I’m sure there must be one I’m not seeing at the moment.

    If you can go a month you can go all the way. If you wanted to.

  6. Does any sane person actually believe Facebook wants the info to offer better services to the public? FB’s actual customer is the company who wants the data on you so they can target advertising to you. FB will sell out your data in underhanded ways if they can make a buck. Don’t trust them, you’d be an idiot to do so.

  7. 666Book is plagued by security breaches and cyber attacks. There is no way I would trust them to be involved with my banking institution. Just Ad services? Yeah right. YGTBKM!

  8. never had fake book and never will.
    they are very similar to dehomag in 1930’s- mid 1940’s germany. FIrst they ‘innocently,’ and for the benefit of ‘the people, gather the information. All of it. Then they use it. ‘for the people’- I’ve heard that somewhere else recently.
    History is repeating itself folks, and this time they’re working in the new chinese practice of rating citizens according to philosophy and worth. Some people in china can’t ride passenger trains or planes, or have financial services limited because they have dissenting political views. It is coming here.
    This is another item that should be at the top of the front page in neon letters.
    I know it seems unbelievable, but instead of it being theorized, now it is being put into practice.

  9. You folks using facebootie and other Demoncrat plantation social platforms better wise up fast. The incline down just increased the rate of the slide through progressivism, socialism, facism, and nazism straight to communism.

  10. “Big data meets Big Brother as China moves to rate its citizens”

    ‘Imagine a world where many of your daily activities were constantly monitored and evaluated: what you buy at the shops and online; where you are at any given time; who your friends are and how you interact with them; how many hours you spend watching content or playing video games; and what bills and taxes you pay (or not). It’s not hard to picture, because most of that already happens, thanks to all those data-collecting behemoths like Google, Facebook and Instagram or health-tracking apps such as Fitbit….’

  11. Haven’t been on fecesbook in months. Sometime when I have time to waste I’ll download anything worthwhile & completely delete the account.
    I think everyone should.
    A fad who’s time is winding down, especially with control attempts such as this and others (like censorship) already going strong.
    Leave it to the libtards – they deserve it.


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