Faces of Left – IOTW Report

Faces of Left

Parents. Do not send your kids to leftist colleges.

37 Comments on Faces of Left

  1. Are those really before and after of moldylocks? What a shame, she might of had potential. Now she has a nose ring also, the kind that they use to tie livestock up to a fence post.

  2. It’s kind of like drugs and addiction, isn’t it? Or chicken and egg. I’d like a show of hands how many men at this site look at pornography. She couldn’t sell it if there weren’t any buyers.

  3. AA – I’m not a regular watcher in the sense of sexual desire, it’s never tripped my trigger like the real thing. However about 3-4 times a year I’m a regular watcher more from a cultural perspective. For example an article such as this one will have me run a few searches. Another recent experience was due to a new set of VR goggles, more curiosity and keeping up with what’s popular. Porn 30 years ago was entirely different than today, which I think is a reflection on society as a whole.

  4. Dido to what Richard said:

    “Porn kills the spirit, ruins family and destroys the lives the “actors”, producers and consumers”

    Such economy of words I’ll just leave it there.

  5. Ick!
    She looks like an anatomy class model we had in art school. She was so repugnant and grossed everyone out so much that the teacher told her to get dressed and leave.

  6. I had heard she is 19 – if this is right, she went from Daddy’s little angel to twisted AntiFA whore in under two years at Marx U.

    This girl would have been better off if her parents had arranged a marriage for her at fourteen, to one of those guys with the beards that hunts ducks.

    If I have top choose between AntiFA’s hellish future, and White Sharia, I’m picking White Sharia.

  7. The wages of sin.
    No need for a portrait in the attic … the depravity shows and she’s proud of it.

    Say a prayer for her immoral soul … uhh … immortal soul …

    izlamo delenda est …

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