The notorious fact-checking website Snopes rushed to the defense of Planned Parenthood following a report from Live Action released Wednesday, which exposed the fact that Planned Parenthood isn’t a primary provider of prenatal care as many organization supporters like to suggest.

In its exposé, Live Action called 97 Planned Parenthood clinics across the nation, posing as a customer and asking about prenatal care services. Only five clinics of those clinics stated they offered any form of prenatal care. In fact, most openly admitted that they specialize in “other options” (i.e., abortion) and therefore have no need to provide prenatal care services.
Despite this clear debunking of a common and consistently exaggerated Planned Parenthood myth, Snopes rated Live Action’s report as “mostly false.”
Why, exactly?
Well, Snopes asserts that Planned Parenthood has never claimed to provide prenatal services as one of its primary functions. This is despite Snopes’ own admission that they couldn’t explain this quote by Cecile Richards: “Prenatal care. These are the kinds of services that folks depend on Planned Parenthood for.” They also conveniently ignored multiple Planned Parenthood employees who were caught on camera admitting the organization’s name was “deceptive.”
Additionally, Snopes said they found 13 Planned Parenthood clinics in California and six in New York that offer prenatal services on their websites, proving that those women who want to keep their babies and happen to live in the Bronx have access to this type of health care.
Of course, that doesn’t really help if you’re pregnant, poor and live in Kansas. But oh, well.
Never mind that Planned Parenthood has more than 650 clinics nationwide, meaning these 19 clinics in two states make up less than 3 percent of all Planned Parenthood facilities. Snopes charged ahead, claiming:
Not only did Live Action present Planned Parenthood’s comments without proper context, their investigation also presented a misleading picture about the services provided by the organization. We can’t verify if every one of the phone call recordings offered in the above-displayed video was genuine, but we can say that the claim “only 5 [Planned Parenthood] facilities out of 97” provide prenatal care is misleading at best.
Here’s the problem with Snopes’ weak defense of Planned Parenthood. Let’s say Walmart openly and repeatedly claimed they sold
ht/ js
What Snopes should have done is be honest and just admit that since the Left defines abortion as “health care,” PP is justified in getting tax $ for providing “health care.”
It’s an abortion clinic……no?
Planned Murder
For Snopes to consistently make such blatantly incompetent declarations is proof they are a dishonest propagandist.
They clearly have a leftist bias and will spin the analysis to serve it. Abortion in all forms even the the most horrendous is sacred to these people.
Snopes to fact checking is tantamount to man-made climate change and “settled science”.
Baby Killers R Us
Snopes is run by a heavy liberal husband/wife team in California. When it comes to anything political they take the liberal view even if it means outright lying. Snopes is not the gospel when it comes to fact checking. There was a lady on Fox News last night that was a former employee of Planned Parenthood who said they had a quota of abortions to meet every month and if a mother was on the fence about having one they always encouraged her to abort.
Slopes are a male and female manatee couple who don’t bathe. They talk like faggots and their shit’s all retarded.
Next time a liberal gives you a Snopes “fact”, give him a Snope-slap… same as a Dope-slap!
2 + 2 = 5
I don’t think Snopes has any credibility left among conservatives or even a lot of liberals when it comes to political questions or questions about institutions like PP. As a result I wonder whether people even care that much especially when their answers can be refuted so easily when they do slip down the bias slide. Doesn’t mean you don’t answer when the print something so obviously slanted just that you don’t let your blood pressure rise.
I remember Snopes saying a BLM protest that got violent was “false” because the link they sourced from had the wrong date! The event DID happen, white people were attacked, but they claimed “false” because the date was wrong.
Liberal speak.