Fact Checking the Fact Checkers Regarding Mass Formation Psychosis – IOTW Report

Fact Checking the Fact Checkers Regarding Mass Formation Psychosis

Italics are mine.

AP– An unfounded theory taking root online suggests millions of people have been “hypnotized” into believing mainstream ideas about COVID-19, including steps to combat it such as testing and vaccination.

This moment in time and history is the “founding” of the “unfounded” theory.

In widely shared social media posts this week, efforts to combat the disease have been dismissed with just three words: “mass formation psychosis.”

“I’m not a scientist but I’m pretty sure healthy people spending hours in line to get a virus test is mass formation psychosis in action,” reads one tweet that was liked more than 22,000 times.


The term gained attention after it was floated by Dr. Robert Malone on “The Joe Rogan Experience” Dec. 31 podcast. Malone is a scientist who once researched mRNA technology but is now a vocal skeptic of the COVID-19 vaccines that use it.

The MSM continually tries to paint Malone as a loon and a quack who just makes Walter Mitty claims about RNA research.

CLAIM: Dr. Robert Malone, who created the messenger RNA vaccine, has said no one should ever take these jabs.

THE FACTS: While Malone has publicly criticized COVID-19 vaccines and claims to have invented the idea of mRNA vaccine technology, he was not involved in the development of COVID-19 vaccines.

In fact, multiple scientists contributed to the development of mRNA vaccine technology over many years. The messenger RNA, also known as mRNA, vaccines work by delivering a piece of genetic code from the spike protein of the coronavirus to train the immune system to react.

But psychology experts say the concept described by Malone is not supported by evidence, and is similar to theories that have long been discredited. Here’s a look at the facts.

I have your facts right here—

Jonestown, a Personal Recollection - David Hume Kennerly

Naaaa. No such thing as mass psychosis.

What is galling is that fact checkers seize on a word, and if they feel the word is wrong (like psychosis) they dismiss the meaning behind the argument.

All across the country people, without symptoms, have been lining up to find out if they test positive for Omicron, a disease that has less chance of killing them than stuffing their Dorito chutes with cake.

No such thing as mass psychosis?

COVID-19 Impact: Toilet Paper, paper towels nowhere to be found, again, in  many Bay Area grocery stores - ABC7 San Francisco

The strange story of the Cabbage Patch Kid Riots of 1983 - ABC7 New York

The Wild True Story Behind the Cabbage Patch Kids Riots

The Trial That Unleashed Hysteria Over Child Abuse - The New York Times

The Trial That Unleashed Hysteria Over Child Abuse – NYTs

The Laughter Epidemic, Tanganyika  

In 1962, three girls at a girls boarding school started laughing in a class. Soon, dozens of students started laughing uncontrollably, some of them for days. The laughing fits that affected thousands of people, spreading across neighboring villages, lasted for more than fifteen days forcing fourteen schools to close down.

Strawberries With Sugar Virus, Portugal

In 2006, teenage fans of a popular Portuguese soap, “Morangos com Açúcar” began experiencing the physical symptoms of a fictional disease that was introduced to the characters on the show. More than 300 children who watched the show feared that their own minor rashes were serious, complaining of breathing difficulties and dizziness. The Portuguese National Institute for Medical Emergency declared it as a mass hysteria.

I would have to add, also, Beatlemania, the sudden explosion of transgenderism, (add your own thoughts in the comments)

16 Comments on Fact Checking the Fact Checkers Regarding Mass Formation Psychosis

  1. “…psychology experts say the concept described by Malone is not supported by evidence, and is similar to theories that have long been discredited…”

    But these same goddam “experts” will shill for the Thousand Gender Theory all day long and into the night, and they’ll tell you Trump is unfit to serve and that Joe Biden is just fine.

    Eff these experts. They have no standing.

  2. Mass denial of mass formation psychosis is in itself a form of mass formation psychosis, they prove it’s real by denying it in realtime.

    What’s grinding me is how some “conservative” people on youtube have drank the kool-aid. One of them is now blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic instead of, you know, covid itself, and has turned into a vaxxtard.

    Another was making a case that “masks work, no matter what they tell you” by shooting an armored plate not designed to stop a 7.62×39 and when he shoots it DOES stop it and he’s like, that’s proof masks work. I scratch my head and shrug, no, you f’n idiot, and unsubscribe.

    The psychosis is working on our own, the weaker of us fall first.

  3. AP starts off with this bullshit, “An unfounded theory taking root online suggests millions of people have been “hypnotized” into believing mainstream ideas about COVID-19, including steps to combat it such as testing and vaccination.”

    They use that to tell us rubes that their “ideas” are mainstream and if you aren’t marching lockstep by wearing a mask or getting your 4th shot, you’re nuts? Hmmmm And those that wait in lines for hours to get tested for an illness that they show no symptoms for is…normal??

    And they keep using this word, vaccination, incorrectly.

    Who’s the fucking idiot here?

  4. Jim Jones: “Drink this Kool Aid. It will make everything better.”
    “The compound’s “nurses” brought out Flavor Aid (not Kool-Aid as the saying goes), which was mixed with cyanide and valium and began force-feeding to any children who didn’t drink it willingly. Jones hoped that once the adults of the compound watched their children pass away that they’d have nothing to live for.
    The people who didn’t drink the poisoned Flavor Aid were either injected with cyanide or shot as they tried to escape, and all the while Jones delivered a monologue about how much he loved his followers in a gruesome recording that’s available for anyone who wants to hear it.”

    Worldwide government leaders: Inject this mystery chemical into your arm. It will make everything better.
    If you can’t see the parallel’s here then you are under the spell.

  5. Notice the little word game the “fact checkers” play here:

    “THE FACTS: While Malone has publicly criticized COVID-19 vaccines and claims to have invented the idea of mRNA vaccine technology, he was not involved in the development of COVID-19 vaccines.

    In fact, multiple scientists contributed to the development of mRNA vaccine technology over many years. “

    They make it appear that his “claim” to have invented the mRNA vaccine is false, by calling it a claim, and then saying many others contributed to perfecting it. That is like denying the Wright brothers were the first to fly a self-propelled airplane, because many others perfected it over the years.

    Relying on so-called fact checkers is a form of mass formation psychosis.

  6. Lord please sound the trumpet’s

    The world has lost it’s way and mind.😬

    Said from the beginning this is a mental illness we’re dealing with. 🤯

  7. Jethro — I listened to a multi-part narration by the author of a deep dive into the entire history of Jones and all the details of Jonestown. He and his “congregation” jettisoned any vestige of the Christian religion well before Guyana. It was communism all the way. They petitioned the Soviets for assylum when Jones’ paranoia was at its zenith. By the time that Senator and his entourage was gunned down at the airport, Jones’ hit men were just aching for the opportunity.

    This current situation — this perfect storm of covid hysteria coupled with years of BLM/antifa indoctrination — could easily end with people targeting the un-jabbed if they are convinced that we are the only thing standing between them and their safety and return to normal living. Depending upon the study, up to 65% of millenials are suffering with severe anxiety, fear and depression. It wouldn’t take much at this point to tip them over the edge.

    I’m serious.

  8. Here ya go sports fans!

    Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds
    Charles MacKay (Author)

    You don’t have to buy it at Amazon, there are numerous used book sellers out there that have a hard bound version that I believe Barnes and Noble put out some time ago. And might I mention this tome is over a hundred and fifty years old.

    The more things change the more they stay the same!

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