Fact: Trump Pulls Blacks Off of the Progressive Plantation – IOTW Report

Fact: Trump Pulls Blacks Off of the Progressive Plantation

Yeah, yeah, noodnik NeverTrumpers think Trump is a secret leftist. But the fact is, Trump is pulling blacks off the progressive plantation with rhetoric that is anything but progressive.

Think about it logically. If Trump is making left-wing campaign promises, like the delusional NeverTrump claim, why would blacks say they are voting for Trump as a reactionary act against the left?

Someone seems to be off kilter, and I think it’s NeverTrump.

See pro-Trump blacks delivering their message HERE.


16 Comments on Fact: Trump Pulls Blacks Off of the Progressive Plantation

  1. These Polls have me worried. I don’t see how they can possibly be right especially when you look at the massive turnouts Trump gets at his rallies. But it seems like we’ve been here before and our guys never get the votes.

  2. Great. Why am I not seeing any Trump ads up here in NH? I see tons of Hillary ads but not one damn Trump ad. There are a couple of super Pac ads yes, but not “I’m Donald Trump and I approved of this ad” ads. None. Why not?

  3. I think everyone will be shocked by the percentage of blacks who are voting for Trump. Don’t look to the media to report on it because they won’t.

    #NT is beyond understanding and, frankly, the rest of us don’t care about #NT — they are a loud-mouthed minority and nothing new on the political scene. They are just calling themselves something else this time around. They will say anything that detracts or attempts to persuade people not to vote for the obvious People’s Choice. All they are is the established, corrupt gov’t faithful who crave power and celebrity.

  4. AA, That’s all great. But we need a big ass “W”. I’m watching O’Rielly attack him as I type. The fabric of our nation has been under attack for a long time. If Trump loses we may need to resolve this another way. Yea, I’m going there. I guess I’m saying I’ve lost hope in the credibility of our “System”. It’s been infiltrated and polluted. My prediction right now is Trump loses and we go to war.

  5. BB — Come what may. However, consider this: The American public has rated congress and the media lower than whale dung for (especially) the past decade. There’s something called cold rage. It’s beyond being annoyed or even quite angry. Everyone has, at some point, towards some one or thing, felt cold rage and it’s the strongest motivation one can have for doing whatever needs to be done to extricate oneself from the person or thing. It’s so powerful that no one can talk one out of their grim resolve.

    Now, thus said, we’ll either rise up as one tsunami of cold rage expressed in the voting booth (which is what I believe will happen) or we’ll have an armed uprising. My sense is that people everywhere — regardless of ethnicity, creed, gender, occupation or age — are simply sick and tired of being sick and tired and will express their cold rage by banding together as Americans and express their wills together through the only channel who seems to understand their desires and serves as our united voice in those matters. And, I believe the response will overwhelm voting fraud by a large margin.

  6. we know liberals have cheated in the elections for decades. What makes this different it that they have never ever faced such a huge monster vote. They are not prepared to cheat as much as they need to to win. The amount of voter fraud necessary would be beyond their reach.

  7. BB, go back and review the Monster Vote numbers, its analysis, and the number of votes Trump can do without and still win. Then also keep in mind the uniqueness of the candidate, what has already transpired, and that the old way of thinking about elections does not apply. We’re in uncharted waters, setting our own, new course. No one on board is taking orders from the shore, so to speak.

  8. BB – agreed on the urge for war if the election is stolen. But, who do you ‘shoot’ and when do you pull the trigger? The last war between Americans was easy to decide who the enemy was. Now it may be your neighbor…

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