Fake E-Mail Addresses Seems to Have Been Common in Obama’s WH – IOTW Report

Fake E-Mail Addresses Seems to Have Been Common in Obama’s WH


Six Obama administration officials used alias email addresses, including then-Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama.

Whether connected to a government network or not, it is unusual for government officials to use an email alias. Not only is it peculiar, it raises questions about why Obama administration officials utilized aliases and whether government secrets were compromised. More

18 Comments on Fake E-Mail Addresses Seems to Have Been Common in Obama’s WH

  1. Loretta Lynch had a fake e-mail and we still don’t know what she talked to Bill Clinton about on the tarmac.
    Crooked governments beget more crooked government.

  2. Cut the Goddamn bullshit already. Fake names etc are ubiquitous among The Party. Unless and until this nonsense of Republican good, Democrat bad is put to rest there is no hope of saving the Republic.

    Democrats and establishment Republicans are “progressives” first, last and always. The R or D is just there for public consumption. Progressives = Marxists = Globalists = Satanists and that is who they serve. Satan is a murderer, a liar and a thief and those who serve Satan wish to emulate and please their master.

    Don’t be deceived by the fan dance. It’s just part of the production.

  3. “Six Obama administration officials used alias email addresses…”
    actually there is one more, at leasst
    don’t forget lois lerner- I forgot the fake name she used, but it was her dog’s name.
    all her emails scuttling the Tea Party were erased by the irs, then her computer had a glitch and crashed, losing evrything on it. Just a couple of coincidental coincidences. Again. And the fbi said there was no reason to investigate anything, and everyone, almost, seems to have forgotten about it.
    actually, her fake email name was toby miles

  4. Calling these cretins liars, thieves, deceivers, phonies, irresponsible, crooked, despicable, scum of the earth has no effect on them….They wear the titles of whores of humanity as a badge of honor.

  5. @ jellybean AT 7:59 PM

    That is one area in which I vehemently disagree with Todd Herman. He is too quick to concede spiritually captured to worthless shitbags who couldn’t wait to willingly volunteered to serve in Satan’s Army.


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