Fake Fireworks Foisted Upon TV Viewers – IOTW Report

Fake Fireworks Foisted Upon TV Viewers

Funny Video HERE

ht/ stirrin the pot

13 Comments on Fake Fireworks Foisted Upon TV Viewers

  1. Some people love phony video, such as special effects in movies and video games. Nothing like watching a early movies where stunt men/women took actual risks. Now when you watch a movie the computer is fooling your mind. Many phony videos are just over the top with impossible BS. And then they bring us old videos from sports history videos at the same cable price.

  2. I turned on King5 online to see what the virtual fireworks were all about. They had two of their anchors outside as if the fireworks were still going to go off the Space Needle as usual. I watched and their was a “line” between them that I finally decided was a plexiglass divider.

    Meanwhile at the same time, elsewhere in the city, AntiFa was making a mess of things with real fireworks.

  3. Have to say that my son is a skeptic of everything. He told me that Those people could have recorded it earlier and played it later for the video. He’s 16 and biracial conservative. He got banned from playing 3 football games after that Floyd thing because his friend posted a picture of him (biracial) kneeling on white friends neck. They were pointing out the hypocrisy. I almost lol when the school showed me that picture! But the school allows blm signs all over the place! Hopefully my son will keep a straight head on his shoulders. Thinking for himself.


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