Fake News – IOTW Report

Fake News


MSNBC’s prime-time coverage of the Republican National Convention has featured a typical TV tableau: anchors at a desk perched high above the convention floor, pontificating as the starred-and-striped political pomp unfolds below.

But Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace, Jen Psaki, Joy Reid and the rest of MSNBC’s A-list anchor team have not been inside the convention hall. They were not even in Milwaukee.

Instead, they were broadcasting from a studio in Midtown Manhattan, as a live feed of the convention floor was projected onto an LED screen behind them. More

13 Comments on Fake News

  1. Probably best that those gals stayed near their fainting couches. I saw a video of Sink Wigger and some other media douche having their camera space violated by a prankster. Sink was pretty huffy about it.

  2. What else would you expect from a fake news outlet? The klowns actually getting up off their fat asses and doing some real news?

    Pssshhhttt. Perish the thought.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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