Fake News about Holes in Antarctic Glaciers – IOTW Report

Fake News about Holes in Antarctic Glaciers

AT: CNN is breathless over a “Gigantic hole two-thirds the size of Manhattan discovered in Antarctic glacier.”  I’m sure the reporters wish the hole actually were in Manhattan and included Trump Tower, but alas, the hole is far away from their nemesis, the president.

They describe it as “a massive cavity” that “has been discovered growing in an Antarctic glacier, signaling rapid ice decay that has shocked scientists.”  It’s growing at an “explosive rate” beneath the Thwaites Glacier, they anxiously report.

CNN’s primary concern is that the melting glacier will flood the world, including its television studios.  How big is this “massive cavity”?

It’s just a small hole within a glacier the size of Florida.  Manhattan is about 23 square miles, so a hole two thirds the size of Manhattan would be almost 16 square miles.  Yes, a hole is three-dimensional, and surface area is two-dimensional, but I’m simply trying to create perspective.

By comparison, Florida is 65,755 square miles.  The hole in the glacier is about 0.01 percent of the entire glacier, and the water released from the melt will not even be measurable in the ocean.  But CNN won’t let that minor point interfere with its doomsday prognostications.

Not only CNN, but its other media brethren are also in a panic over this news.  The Hill reports a similar story, as does CBS News.  The only explanation offered in any of the articles is climate change — just as climate change was blamed for the polar vortex and recent cold spell in the Upper Midwest.

Media mavens attribute everything bad in the world to climate change.  Forbes believes that climate change caused ISIS.  Obesity is also blamed on climate change.

Why aren’t the journalistic sleuths thinking beyond their preprogrammed left-wing talking points?  What else might be causing holes in the Antarctic glaciers?

I wonder if CNN ever considered volcanoes as the cause of glacial melting. more here

13 Comments on Fake News about Holes in Antarctic Glaciers

  1. A marathon was run in Antartica last week.
    First step in a 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 consecutive days event.
    Everyone’s fine. It was cold, but no one fell into a hole.
    World Marathon Challenge. Ask them

  2. A World Marathon Challenge? Sounds like a nuther Social Media meme.
    Gee Wally, whut fun is that if it doesn’t involve Tide Pods, Cinnamon, fire, power drills or condoms?

    Well Beave, at least there is freezing water…

  3. X-FILES proved their was space alien
    DNA hidden in a space ship deep beneath
    the ice.Right next to cloned Hitler
    and the Nazi “empire beneath the ice”….


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