Fake News Claims That Barbara Bush Blamed Trump For Her “Heart Attack” – IOTW Report

Fake News Claims That Barbara Bush Blamed Trump For Her “Heart Attack”

Trump lives in most people’s heads rent free, allegedly he lived in the Quaker Oats guy’s aorta… at a price.


Barbara Bush blamed Donald Trump for her heart attack.

It wasn’t technically a heart attack, though she called it that. It was a crisis in her long battle with congestive heart failure and chronic pulmonary disease that hit her like a sledgehammer one day in June 2016. An ambulance was called to take her to the hospital. The two former presidents who had been at home with her that day, her husband and her oldest son, trailed in a car driven by the Secret Service. The tumultuous presidential campaign in general and Trump’s ridicule of son Jeb Bush in particular had riled her. “Angst,” she told me.

Afterward, Jeb, whose presidential campaign was already history, urged her to let it go, to focus on herself and have faith in the country.

“There’s just a lot of angst” among those distressed by President Trump’s leadership, Jeb Bush told me, using the same word that his mother had used. “So I think one of the solutions is don’t watch it; don’t obsess.”

“Jeb said, ‘Mom, don’t worry about things you can’t do anything about,’ ” Barbara Bush recalled. “He’s right. Just do good, make life better for someone else.”

This is an excerpt from Susan Page’s upcoming biography, The Matriarch: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty, published Wednesday by the far-left USA Today.

And it’s fake news.

As you can see, the headline debunks itself in the next sentence. On top of that, Bush was 90 or 91 at the time and already sick with COPD … but we gotta sell some books, smear Trump, keep the hate campaign against the president going….

This particular anecdote is also deeply unflattering to Mrs. Bush.


ht/ hot salsa


48 Comments on Fake News Claims That Barbara Bush Blamed Trump For Her “Heart Attack”

  1. Perhaps Barbara might have changed her mind if she was alive today. If she was alive and didn’t she’d be part of the swamp, and that’s that.

    Of course she wanted her son! to win. We didn’t.

  2. She never struck me as a weak-minded woman. This reflects badly on Barbara Bush, not on President Trump.

    The powers they attribute to the president are amazing. Godlike, even.


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