Fake News CNN Gets Beat Down By Sarah Sanders – They Apologize – IOTW Report

Fake News CNN Gets Beat Down By Sarah Sanders – They Apologize

The perpetually bitchy and petty high school girl known as CNN took offense to a picture that was tweeted showing Trump “holding court” with world leaders gathered around him.

For some reason, Trump as world leader, bothers the hell out of this fair and balanced network. So a moron, with no evidence, tweeted out that the picture was misrepresented and that this was a group signing.

Pretty clever visual messaging here from the White House — taking some kind of group signing event and framing it instead to show President Trump seemingly holding court, with the rest of the G7 leaders clustered in around him https://t.co/kKKsQGDYjL

— Greg Hughes (@newsbyhughes) June 9, 2018

Sanders stepped in-

The jerk apologized.


19 Comments on Fake News CNN Gets Beat Down By Sarah Sanders – They Apologize

  1. Just a small sample of the fabricated news by this corrupt network.
    Mental illness compels people to make the same choices over and over expecting a different outcome.
    Looks good on them.

  2. The whole world is looking “DOWN” on Trump(?) and the FAKE Newsers love it. What the phuck is wrong with these asswipes?
    I swear, if a baby fell into the lion’s den at the Bronx Zoo and Donald Trump jumped in, kicked the shit out of the lion and saved the baby. The headlines would be: “Trump assaults endangered animal and deprives it of a meal.” And that headline would go world wide. The old saying, “the lie will be half way around the world before the truth can get it’s boots on,” is dead on.
    I hope some of you checked out on Youtube “The Vortex. Totally Fake News.” Great compilation of how Fake News is made.

  3. Gee I have not watched CNN in years because I don’t have time to waste watching cheap “checkout counter” headlines about Marain landings and more “Wack a Trump” BS.


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