Fake News matters – IOTW Report

Fake News matters


So Colin Kaepernick is GQ’s citizen of the year. That’s like naming Mrs. O’Leary’s cow citizen of the year – it makes sense only if you thought Chicago needed to be burned to the ground.

But there’s another connection as well. Kaepernick’s knee caper, explained here by the currently unemployed quarterback,

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color…there are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

is a protest against police brutality against black men. And it is based on widely circulated false news reports of incidents that occurred in Ferguson and Baltimore. So Colin Kaepernick became the darling of Black Lives Matter – itself the darling new civil rights movement of the left – based on fake news. The same way fake news  made Mrs. O’Leary and her cow the scapegoat in the Great Fire of Chicago.  MORE

14 Comments on Fake News matters

  1. Well, I’m not going to vote for a political party that excuses and enables the racist violence of black assholes towards everyone else. Just today, in the New York Post, I read an article about a black guy who sits next to a white woman on the train and spread his legs so wide that it pins her in a corner. She asks him to move his legs, and he immediately stand up and starts calling her a “white bitch” and that he’s raped women like her, then he punches her in the mouth. The news reports it as a “man spreading” incident, because, yeah, that black bastards behavior was all about “men” and their “man spreading” instead of about blacks and their non-stop psychopathic racist behavior, especially towards whites.

    Fuck Krapernig and his entire cabal of motherfuckers.

  2. That this whole NFL take a knee thing is based on media malfeasance, purposeful misrepresentation, is disgusting and divisive.

    3 NFL games on thanksgiving. Redskins/Giants would ordinarily would be a must see.

    But NFL has played patty cake and done the head nodding with the phonies and radical rioters for so long after the truth came out Boycott will continue.

    Imagine. First turkey day without football in my entire life.

    Thanks assholes.

    Ratings numbers should be quite revealing.

  3. If I really believed that – I’d leave.
    Head off to one of those countries that expelled the evil white devils – like Zimbabwe.

    He’s a bullshitter. Nothing but a fucking hypocrite.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Aside from that hypocritical Asshole Kaepernick, Chicago needs Mrs. O’Leary’s cow now more than ever. There are parts of Chicago that absolutely need to be burned down and started over and for doing that the cow would definitely get an award!

  5. That gay Kenyan commie did a bang up job of uniting us as a nation didn’t he? S/off. Just wait til next year when those dumb ass NFL/BLM idiots discover they’re going to take huge pay cuts. Maybe one or two will connect the dots leading back to Kaepernick. Then again, maybe not.

  6. Wait – is this like Time’s Man Of The Year?

    Just a reflection of who’s in the news most – not a claim he’s actually a good citizen.

    We keep making the mistake they think like common sense people. Dad or Mom Of The Year better be a good person and not just the most newsworthy. If in-the-news was always the measuring stick, Planned Parenthood could snag an award in Parent Of The Year somewhere.

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