Fake News Writing Reporter Resigns After Claiming Newsroom Shooter Dropped a MAGA Hat Before Opening Fire – IOTW Report

Fake News Writing Reporter Resigns After Claiming Newsroom Shooter Dropped a MAGA Hat Before Opening Fire

Daily Caller-

A reporter at a Massachusetts-based newspaper resigned Friday after falsely claiming in a tweet Thursday that the man who killed five employees at the Capital Gazzete newspaper left a “Make America Great Again” hat at the crime scene.

“Shooter who killed 4 people at Annapolis newspaper dropped his #MAGA hat on newsroom floor before opening fire,” Conor Berry, a reporter at The Republican in Springfield, Mass., wrote in a now-deleted tweet.

Berry, who covered politics and crime for The Republican, apologized for the “stupid” and “regrettable” tweet Friday, adding that it made his 21-year career as a journalist come to a “screeching halt.”



Folks, My 21-year career as a “journalist,” a fancy term that makes my skin crawl, frankly, came to a screeching halt yesterday with one stupid, regrettable tweet. Can’t take it back; wish I could. My sincere apologies to all good, hardworking reporters and to POTUS supporters.

22 Comments on Fake News Writing Reporter Resigns After Claiming Newsroom Shooter Dropped a MAGA Hat Before Opening Fire

  1. “…and lamented that his tweet gave more fuel to critics of the news media that believe reporters try to push a partisan agenda.”

    Let me fix that for you:
    “…and lamented that his tweet gave more fuel to critics of the news media that KNOW reporters push a partisan agenda.

  2. You knew this was coming. And what next for the asshole “journalist” who immediately blamed Trump, then backpedaled with an “apology”?

    Fuck all these lost souls.

  3. Slays me that all these people that
    are smarter,richer and more educated
    than me use a silly little box with
    a keyboard to send childish little messages
    that are written in stone for eternity…
    and they all most always slap them in the
    face like a wet monkey turd.

  4. He was gone fast. It seems like karma is getting them a lot quicker these days. But what a stupid thing to do. WTH is wrong with these people?

    All in all, it’s been a great week for MAGA.

  5. yeah, well fuck you too. and the “journalist” you rode in on.

    Your apology isnt enough, losing your job isnt enough, losing your reputation isnt enough, losing your childrens respect isnt enough.

  6. Just found this carved about that. . .

    The Republican endorses Hillary Clinton in presidential contest (Editorial)
    Updated October 30, 2016 at 8:08 AM
    Posted October 30, 2016 at 6:09 AM
    Gallery: Crowds gather for Hillary Clinton campaign stop in Springfield
    By The Republican Editorials
    What would be best for Clinton – and the nation – is a convincing win in which she handily dispatches Trump.
    The Republican’s editorial board encourages voters to support Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8
    Proof: h.t.t.p.s://www.masslive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2016/10/the_republican_endorses_hillar.html

    Carved in Stone
    All I needed to know.

    A Big F.U. to The Republican newspaper based in Springfield, Massachusetts. But thanks for showing your asses again.

  7. Meet Wayne Phaneuf in his own words. . .
    Mar 21, 2017 – ► 6:54 – Uploaded by wgby
    Republican Executive Editor Wayne Phaneuf

    Why, he is older and schmarter and sneakier and more Legendary in his own mental reflections. Funny how words then make more sense now

    “…actually it’s my sixth year”

  8. The Republican’s Wayne Phaneuf honored with ‘Friend of The Big E’ award
    Posted October 3, 2016 at 4:25 PM
    Eugene J. Cassidy president and CEO of Eastern States Exposition, recently presented Wayne E. Phaneuf, executive editor of The Republican, with the Friend of the Big E award. (Third-Party-Submitted) <<<—HA HA HA
    Feed Me, Fake News writing editors want lobster food too

  9. You knew this was coming. And what next for the asshole “journalist” who immediately blamed Trump, then backpedaled with an “apology”?

    Day 1, Lesson 1 in Journalism 101: “You can’t un-ring a bell.” Say what you want, then apologize; people remember the headline, not the retraction.


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