Fake Student Enrollment in California Stealing Millions from Student Aid Programs – IOTW Report

Fake Student Enrollment in California Stealing Millions from Student Aid Programs

Gateway Pundit

The state agrees that there are 65,000 cases of ghost students in the California community college system but some say there may be as many as 180,000 ghost students.  This is costing the colleges millions in lost dollars while preventing real students from receiving the education they desire. More

6 Comments on Fake Student Enrollment in California Stealing Millions from Student Aid Programs

  1. Taking advantage of people in California is what gives snowflakes creds, not morality.
    Wonder if they plan to con the the sky for water this summer when reality hits.

  2. This story is quacking like a duck. Do students EVER touch student loan money? Does said money NOT go directly to the student’s college. Is this not OBVIOUSLY a scam on the part of community college administrators? How is Bernie Sanders’ wife involved?

  3. Hey! I know about this stuff. My old lady worked in this field for years.

    Wanna’ know who gets these student loans with no plans of paying them back?

    Old people. Yup. They claim it’s to supplement their meager old person income but one case I remember….old biddy was 85 years old. Had been scamming the university for years with a sympathy bid.

    She took them for 80 grand in student loans. Eight zero. How is an octogenarian gonna’ pay that back? How can you collect? She’s dead now. Everybody loses money.

    It’s a funny ol’ worl’ innut?

  4. This is a part of the race-hating Joe Biden’s scheme for ‘student debt forgiveness’ targeting private legit trade-school students to be forced to pay for some shyster lawyer’s degree. Fact is that the career grifter and phisher Joe Biden plans to have IRS target those students he issued ‘debt forgiveness’ to and hit them with a mega high-coin tax bill in the multi-thousands. Keep in mind that the longtime underhanded Joe Biden NEVER did anything–nor anything honestly–for anyone, only that which benefitted himself and lowlife family members.

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