Families Canceling Thanksgiving this Year – IOTW Report

Families Canceling Thanksgiving this Year

PJ Media

However, Bidenflation will not only influence voters’ decisions in November. It will also, regrettably, have an effect on the Thanksgiving dinner. More than a third of Americans, according to a survey by Personal Capital, will be eating less at Thanksgiving this year, with 88% of Americans planning to eliminate at least one dish from their traditional Thanksgiving spread in an effort to save money. But, as Personal Capital notes, “with financial strain and tightened budgets, the easiest way to save money this Thanksgiving may be to skip it altogether.” More

18 Comments on Families Canceling Thanksgiving this Year

  1. Thanksgiving is a day dedicated to thanking God for all His many gifts – despite the depredations of Joetato and his party of Treasonous Perverted filth – there is still much to be thankful to the Lord for His Blessings.

    Even if you “feast” on a PB&J sammich.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I have cut way back on Thanksgiving dinners. I cooked way too much food, and I hated the leftovers. I think I’ll spring for a Sawnson’s Thanksgiving dinner and call it good.

  3. I don’t give a damn if we are eating bread and butter with a side of baked beans, I will not skip out on my favorite holiday. Damn libtards want to abolish everything that deals with freedom, family and religion.

  4. There’s a lot a families skipping going to work. They can’t afford the fuel. Then tey skip their rent or house payment. Then you can add them to the list of homeless. Obama started this trend.

  5. I have no problem scaling back. In fact maybe my favorite Thanksgiving when my kids were young we spent the day at the beach then went back to our condo and had chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwich. Those were the days!

  6. We haven’t had what is considered to be a “traditional” Thanksgiving meal in years.
    We just give thanks for whatever we have, and pray for continued blessings.
    In the end, no matter how much control I wish I had.
    No matter how angry I get towards those who want to take away what I do have. I have to keep reminding myself that ultimately, God is in control of it all and I need to be content in any circumstance.
    No matter how difficult or unfair I think it is.
    I absolutely love the lyrics of a hymn from the 1800’s
    “Count Your Blessings”
    I ran across the music and it has become a theme song for me, in this particular time.
    I really appreciate this place and all of you and I really hope you all will have a good Thanksgiving.

  7. The greatest form of protest will be to gather the family around, have a grand old fashioned Thanksgiving with all the trimmings, throw in some honest appreciation to the Lord.

    Then start making plans to celibrate Christmas with your family, remember the birth of Christ, and you will blow their empty minds.


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