Family Begged Sayoc to Get Mental Health Treatment – Former Lawyer Regrets Not Getting Him Help – IOTW Report

Family Begged Sayoc to Get Mental Health Treatment – Former Lawyer Regrets Not Getting Him Help

His former lawyer says he’s a 14 year-old in an adult body.

Miami Herald-

Lowy described Sayoc as an unsophisticated loner who wanted to impress people but failed at everything he pursued, from strip club dancing to bodybuilding to professional fighting to the dry cleaning business.

“He wasn’t successful in anything he did,” Lowy said. “He’s been bankrupt, gone into foreclosure. He’s 14 years old living in an adult body.”

Sayoc’s claim of affiliation with the Seminole Tribe of Florida was an example of Sayoc’s desire for a sense of belonging. He said Sayoc used to drive a vehicle plastered with Seminole Tribe and Native American stickers and showed him a scrapbook filled with photos of Sayoc as an exotic dancer and aspiring pro wrestler.

“He’s half Filipino, on his father’s side, and he’s half Italian,” Lowy said. “He’s been living and creating this fantasy for a very long time. He’ll deny it’s a fantasy. But I will suggest to you it’s probably a result of emotional issues that come from his father abandoning him and returning to the Philippines when he was a child.

“He wanted a background. He wanted to be liked by people so he created this story.”

Sayoc never got the mental health treatment he needed and refused to seek help even when his family begged him to, Lowy said.

“Maybe we should have realized he’s sick,” Lowy said. “This was the first indication that violence would manifest without help. In my opinion by that point it’s too late.”

Lowy said the steroid charges against Sayoc were dismissed in 2005, though Sayoc was ordered to enter a drug abuse rehabilitation program which included random testing and a 12-step course.

Sayoc received probation for the bomb threat charges — a sentence that in hindsight Lowy wishes had included mental health counseling.

“Looking back you say of course we should have known,” Lowy said. “It took 16 years to get to this point.


19 Comments on Family Begged Sayoc to Get Mental Health Treatment – Former Lawyer Regrets Not Getting Him Help

  1. But of course. It’s all President Trump’s fault. I just pray to God that the democrats are wiped out this November 6th. If not, we, as a Nation, are phucked!
    The media are the enemy! Aligned with the progs/socialists.

  2. Moe, be confident. Get yourself a bottle of champagne and open it when the returns start coming in. If you’re planning on watching the left coast returns you may need a second bottle, it’ll be getting late.

  3. majorityofone – agree, stinks of Democrat directed and controlled main stream media intent to influence an election. Playbook style. After 2016, the dementia ones are too far gone to see it.

  4. @Snorky1

    Yea, this patsy’s involvement probably consisted of licking the stamps on the “bomb” packages. The “bombs” themselves were made by someone more sophisticated — a Joe Biden type most likely.

  5. Last night, Fox News top of the hour report on AM radio regarding Sayroc
    6 PM: Passionate Trump supporter
    9 PM: Die hard Trump supporter
    Will Fox be calling him a Trump adviser by midnight?
    Phucking MSM….

  6. Well, It’s working….. I actually started feeling sorry for this guy, when it suddenly hit me….”Insanity has become an excuse to do stoopid shiite….” No, even a 14 year old knows better.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. With Warren, wouldn’t it be “going smoke signal”?
    Crackerbaby; yep, getting real tired of hearing this “we tried getting them help” every time someone does crazy shit, as if it matters after the fact..

  8. And ironically Islam / Jihadis also are known to target the mentally ill to use them as pawns. Of course the liberal media always points out their mental illness to cover for Islam but this is just 100% Trump’s fault.

  9. Mental illness is a human right. It is almost an obligation these days. San Francisco is the prime example of this 21st century development, but it has spread everywhere that Progressive Liberals have gained the upper hand. There used to be state mental institutions where mentally ill individuals were treated and kept off the streets. Try keeping a complete nutter like Sayoc in protective custody for more than 48 hours with the ACLU just a phone call away. President Trump must be the cause of all these deranged people wandering about the country, because the MSDM is telling the country it is his fault.


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