Family Feud With Steve Harvey- So Charming – IOTW Report

Family Feud With Steve Harvey- So Charming

I was subjected to the Game Show Network for Easter dinner.

There are GSN commercials that hail the Family Feud, with Steve Harvey, as “comforting” and “warming” and how he makes everyone feel special and part of a family, etc. The people saying all this are your ordinary GSN viewers… slightly chubby soccer moms, the ones that voted for Hillary, I am sure.

Then an episode came on.

The question for the two families was: “If you could go to Oz and meet the Wizard what would you ask for?”

A person answered “love.”

The board flipped over because it was one of the answers given by the people surveyed. It said “love.” And it was also hyphenated. The hyphenated part was simply glossed over by Steve Harvey, he didn’t even acknowledge it.

What did it say?

Love/Dorothy Nude.

That’s right. The GSN’s audience answered that they would ask the Wizard to make Dorothy nude. And Family Feud published it. Judy Garland was 16 when she played Dorothy, and the character was supposed to be 12.

The Family Feud- comforting, warming and makes you feel like you’re part of a family. The Manson family.

What has happened to this country?

There was another commercial during the Family Feud, and I am happy to report that my mother’s reaction to this commercial was, “I don’t get it.”

My reaction to her reaction was, “good.”

Here’s the commercial (which I’ll admit is memorable, and pretty amusing. But still, what has happened to this country?)

20 Comments on Family Feud With Steve Harvey- So Charming

  1. How many shows does Steve Harvey have, anyway?
    I was stuck in the waiting room at the dentist last week. Guess what? He has an afternoon show too. Then FF, award shows and on and on.

    He’s black dick clark.

    God bless him for his work ethic and success, but overexposure is real.
    As for your Easter dinner. Sorry.

    As for Judy Garland naked at any age? No. Not ever.

  2. That’s such a weird answer about Dorothy-did they not understand the question?!?

    We were Slingers for about a month. Their interface was beyond frustrating. Not intuitive. Switch to Vue, then DirectTV’s cord cutting version and then just gave up entirely. Hardly watch anything live anymore- we watch stuff via Hulu. There is a live stream of Fox News on YouTube. If anything important happens I can go there.

  3. It’s scripted and FAKE.

    Comedians and writers sit around and decide the questions and answers.

    Haven’t you ever watched the bad acting on this show?

  4. Sick of seeing Steve Harvey on tv. Never a fan. He’s host of at least 4 or 5 shows. He’s a jerk who had the nerve to talk smack about President Trump after meeting with him.
    Fairly certain his closeted skeletons are going to rattle themselves free in the near future.

  5. I don’t watch anything other than occasional Soap or old stuff. I love old movies also. We just finished watching Jesus Christ Superstar. It was really good.

    Alice Cooper had the part of Herrod. The singers really were cast perfectly.

    I play the original album once a year since It irst came out on vinyl, decades ago. One of my sons gave me the CDs also.

  6. Yeah, I’ve seen that Slingers commercial a couple of times, it’s creepy.

    Had the extended family Easter dinner yesterday. A relative works for the maintenance department for the county BOE, described seeing two girls kissing in line for lunch in the school cafeteria. No teachers objected to it. A niece , 14y.o., is still upset about being felt up by a boy at school, who said if girls report it to the teachers, they are in more trouble with the teachers than the boys. No discipline in the class rooms, the rowdy are in control making it difficult for kids who actually want to learn something. Oh, and the teachers just demanded and got a pay raise.

    Encourage or tolerate innuendo or bad behavior & you get more of it.


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