Family Fights Back Against Being Forced To Delete Instagram Post – IOTW Report

Family Fights Back Against Being Forced To Delete Instagram Post

Chicago Tribune

A 16-year-old high school sophomore alleged in a federal lawsuit against a Wisconsin sheriff on Thursday that she was threatened with jail if she didn’t remove social media posts saying she had COVID-19.

The Wisconsin Institute for Liberty and Law filed the lawsuit against Marquette County Sheriff Joseph Konrath and a patrol sergeant. The lawsuit alleges that the sergeant went to the home of Amyiah Cohoon of Oxford, Wisconsin, last month and demanded that her Instagram posts be deleted or she and her parents would face arrest.

No one was threatened with arrest, and an “aggressive defense” is planned, said Samuel Hall, attorney for the sheriff and the Marquette County Sheriff’s Department. Hall said the girl’s messages “caused distress and panic within the school system and law enforcement acted at the request of school health officials in a good faith effort to avoid unfounded panic.”

Cohoon, a sophomore in the Westfield School District in Marquette County, suffered a severe respiratory illness with symptoms matching those of COVID-19 during a spring break trip to Florida, the lawsuit said. She tested negative for the disease, but her attorney said that doctors told the girl’s family that she likely had the virus but missed the window for testing positive. More

18 Comments on Family Fights Back Against Being Forced To Delete Instagram Post

  1. WTF is Instagram?
    WHO gave it power over humans?
    WHY should we care about it’s sway?
    WHERE the f did it come from?
    WHEN did we relinquish our 1A rights?

    HOW the hell did we allow electronic NONSENSE to take our rights away?


    Give me a fucking break.
    We’ve become THIS WEAK????


  2. I know I will wake up one day to the headline, “Family Fights Back Against Being Forced To Join Instagram”, but it will be late in the game by then, and I will have already bugged out, one way or another. So yay, social media, light the shining path.

  3. Does this story not have anything to do with Instagram and everything to do with an ass hole Sheriff? Or has my reading comprehension really started to suck?

  4. @Bad_Brad

    You’re absolutely right. And also the flake school administrators. Where do they get off contacting the police to suppress speech at all, let alone speech that occurs outside of school.

  5. FAIL!

    If the police even showed up, that indicates a SERIES of blunders leading up to that point.

    1. Who informed the police? FAIL!
    2. Why didn’t the police simply say, “Mind your own business.” FAIL!
    3. Who decided to dispatch the police anyway? FAIL!
    4. Why would the police actually show up even if ordered? FAIL!
    5. Why would the police threaten anyone posting online for not doing what they want? FAIL!
    6. Who will be disciplined? No one of course. FAIL!

  6. School administrators have become little Eichmann’s. Only Despots and dictators are afraid of freedom of speech. Why would any honest adult have a problem with a kid sharing her truth? So much so they call the sherriff?

  7. A school administrator tried to get me fired from my job a couple months ago because I said we are all equal and dividing people into groups is racist. He also accused our organizations of being racist because he thought we weren’t going to give away our product for free to his group of people.

    I did a google search of him and found that he’s one of the people in our town who’s labelled himself a diversity “expert.” I also noticed that one of the affiliations he works for did a search on my Linked-in account. I laughed about that because I haven’t updated it in several years, and only then because I was looking for a job, and also because I have never had a Facebook or Twitter account. I can just see that cock roach feverishly searching social media for anything I ever said that could have in any way been construed as racist.

    Yep- school administrators – little Eichmanns.

  8. No matter what you post on any sharing site some SOB somewhere is going to be offended and use all their alleged power to denigrate you and otherwise debase you. The solution is not to share personnel information unless you don’t give a damn who you piss off, like myself and numerous other IOTW posters.

  9. And yet, if the girl were to die, she would be counted as a coronavirus death. Don’t believe me? More than 3,000 deaths in New York were counted as coronavirus deaths despite none of those individuals having been TESTED, let alone testing positive.

  10. I guess it’s a good thing “Congress shall pass no laws prohibiting blah, blah, blah” – leaves it open for every fucking petty dictator of a school administrator, county mounty, town clown, mayor, governor, or any other smug asshole that gets regular media time to create their own laws out of thin air.
    Our ancestors would have been hanging these bastards at this point.


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