Family member of fire bomber who tried to set cops ablaze say he was just protesting – IOTW Report

Family member of fire bomber who tried to set cops ablaze say he was just protesting

“Jasiel Rodriguez-Nunez says his brother was protesting his experience in the US prison system.”

On May 7th, Reuel Rodriguez-Nunez was found lighting cars on fire in the Southeast District Station of Raleigh, North Carolina. When approached by law enforcement and asked to stop, Nunez threw a molotov cocktail at one of the responders, prompting the four police officers at the scene to open fire.

11 Comments on Family member of fire bomber who tried to set cops ablaze say he was just protesting

  1. The First Amendment allows persons to peaceably assemble and redress their government through free speech. Nothing approving burning cars and throwing incendiary devices.

  2. “Personally, I believe that my brother was protesting. Maybe protesting things that he saw in (jail). It was a way of protesting,” Jasiel said.

    His best course of action is to take his grievance to the source. Hope he gets a lengthy sentence he can protest every waking minute, although I don’t think that black power fist will fit thru the bars. Just kneel mah brother. It has the same effect 😂

  3. Kevin R,

    Lop a few thousand pounds of Tea leaves into a harbour a see what Biden’s Enviro-Cocksuckers (not the women) do to you.

  4. Well I suppose the cops were just protesting getting burnt to a crisp.
    What kind of brother are you that you would let your brother do such things?
    Your family let him loose on the world, now he is gone to soon, where ever that is?

  5. In the iotw corner – He’ll be serving his sentence in Hell thanks to cops who objected to being burned to a crisp in the name of “Protest.”
    Great work, officers!


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