Family of Maine Shooting Suspect Claims He Started To Hear “Horrible Things” After Being Fitted for “High-Powered Hearing-Aids” – IOTW Report

Family of Maine Shooting Suspect Claims He Started To Hear “Horrible Things” After Being Fitted for “High-Powered Hearing-Aids”

GP: The family of Robert Card, the man accused of shooting and killing 18 people in Lewiston, Maine, have shared several details with police about Robert’s “acute” mental health episodes the months leading up to the mass shooting.

In an exclusive report, NBC News reported Katie Card who is married to Robert’s brother, shared that Robert began to hear “horrible” voices talking about him just shortly after he was “fitted for high-powered hearing aids.”

Katie Card told NBC “He was picking up voices that he had never heard.

She continued “His mind was twisting them around. He was humiliated by the things that he thought were being said.” more

28 Comments on Family of Maine Shooting Suspect Claims He Started To Hear “Horrible Things” After Being Fitted for “High-Powered Hearing-Aids”

  1. I don’t want to make light of this terrible killing spree…

    …but the only horrible thing I ever heard after getting high powered hearing aids was the sound of distant farts.

    Seriously, the citizen disarmament cabal has been pushing for (red, yellow, puce, whatever) flag laws and background checks integrated with mental health records, and it sounds like all that crap was in place for this guy AND NONE OF IT WORKED.

  2. Years ago I had two wisdom teeth filled on the same side (the upper and the lower). The amalgam material, when I closed my bite, reacted to each other and made me hear a nearby AM radio station (in Philadelphia) in my head.

    At work. I kept my office pals updated on the 2008 World Series. The Phillies won, 4 games to 1 over Tampa Bay.

    Later, I got $6,000 implants and my radio days were over.

  3. dunno … sounds like they’re trying to set up an insanity defense, which in this situation wouldn’t be too hard … even without the ‘hearing-aid voices’

    (at least it didn’t come from a dog owned by ‘Sam’)

  4. I think a CIA/FBI asset just went sideways. If your not paying attention he just played them for fools at his residents. There’s something really wrong here. Surgically implanted hearing devices? Really.

  5. I love that certain people here think you need a masters degree to handle a fucking firearm.
    As an expert in automation and mechanics, along with countless other disciplines, a gun, rifle, AR, AK, automatic, semi-automatic, etc. are so intuitive to someone with my skillset & IQ it amuses me like nothing else.

  6. That’s the thing Dumb_Brad, I don’t need no stinkin manual.
    Being a sentient, intelligent man, a simple machine is easy to discern it’s function.
    Morons like you need someone to hold your hands, train you, yet you still end up shooting your foot off.

  7. Hearing aids my eye.
    Locals who know him say they think he was looking for his ex-wife.
    Heck, he was in the hospital already.
    But it was a hospital with a psychiatric wing, not a psychiatric hospital.
    They don’t have resources to keep patients indefinitely.
    Everything in public areas from Bowdoin, Lewiston down to the Portland area is cancelled. I’m thinking he’s in the woods.

  8. So the FBI is now in the hearing aid business…got it. That this shooting happened the day after a supposedly pro 2nd Amendment guy was elected House speaker is no coincidence.

  9. 40 is rather old for the on-set of schizophrenia. Typically, it comes on in the late teens/early twenties. I remain suspicious about the details of this case to date.

  10. wiredog, i stopped going to the va because i did not want to risk getting aids from a “provider” – plus they are gfz dindus, gender affirming, vaxx-pushing, trans-surgery assholes.

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