Famous Amos Makes Cookies for the Angels Now – IOTW Report

Famous Amos Makes Cookies for the Angels Now

US News and World Report

Wallace “Wally” Amos, the creator of the cookie empire that took his name and made it famous and who went on to become a children’s literacy advocate, has died. He was 88.

Amos created the Famous Amos cookie empire and eventually lost ownership of the company — as well as the rights to use the catchy Amos name. In his later years, he became a proprietor of a cookie shop called Chip & Cookie in Hawaii, where he moved in 1977. More

7 Comments on Famous Amos Makes Cookies for the Angels Now

  1. Just so ya know: The Bible tells us Believers, when they are absent from the body, they are present with the Lord. However, that is in spirit only. Our physical body is dead and we don’t get a new one until either the Rapture, or on the Day Of The Lord (if you didn’t get harpazo-ed, but later die as a saint). In between dying and getting a new body you’re a spirit and you haven’t the ability to dance, play the guitar, or make cookies. And angels probably don’t eat cookies anyway.

    Just thought I’d clear that up for everyone who says (usually at the funeral)that good ol’ Mavis or Charlie is engaging in the same activities they were so well known for on earth.

    Please dearest friends, read your Bibles. These are the days of deception.

    Carry on.

  2. IOTW TrueStoryTM

    All of the places I worked at in the 80s had a soda/chips/cuponoodles snackbar. Each Dept. had to furnish one person for a week at a time to run it. Usually the newest or least senior person got the additional detail. Since I was both the former but one step up from the later at that time, I got to run it a few times.

    The .85cent Famous Amos Box was too rich for me. I usually stuck with the .50cent Banana Walnut or Blueberry Muffins (2 Pack). Ate a lot of them. However, when I had some extra cash and a chocolate craving, Amos’s was alright.

    Another thing happened at the snackbar.
    Since I was the new guy there at that location, I was still inexperienced with the local conditions which included lizards. I was grabbing a can off the shelf and a lizard jumped off it and right at me. Not expecting it and not knowing WTF it was, I kind of maybe screamed. Just a little. Not a shreik, just a short almost scream.

    There happened to be other folks in the snackbar so it did draw some attention and they all laughed at me.

    Good Times.


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