Famous McSorley’s bar closed by health inspectors – IOTW Report

Famous McSorley’s bar closed by health inspectors

Some of its famous patrons include Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Hunter S. Thompson


– One of New York’s oldest and most famous bars was ordered closed by the city due to health code violations.

McSorely’s Old Ale House was closed on Wednesday after an inspection found evidence of rat activity, food held at the wrong temperature, and conditions conducive to vermin and pest activity.

The owner’s son-in-law, Gregory Delahaba says they are in the process of putting new gas lines into the building and walls, floor and concrete have been opened, giving vermin access to the building.

The owner says it’s the first time the bar, which survived prohibition, has been closed since 1854.  MORE

6 Comments on Famous McSorley’s bar closed by health inspectors

  1. O My God , O Fuckit. That’s the end. DeBlasio’s assholes at work.
    McSorleys has been for over a century the ugliest, filthiest, bar in creation. Yet the most attended bar in the world. They didn’t allow cunts in there until, oh I forget. The toilet had a latch on the door if you wanted to take a shit in private, otherwise it was wide open. This did not change it for the women when they bust in and the women did not mind. It was McSorleys.
    It was hard to get into during the tourist season in New York but, a funny story: My cousin Dick was an NYPD Lieutenant and he knew the guy at the door. There was at least 100 people in line, but we got in. Dick and I were entertaining two British distance cousins, nice guys from Wales.
    When we got in the first thing I noticed was the filth of the place.
    The bartenders were wearing Wellington Boots because they would just throw excess ale and water on the floor and let it drain out.
    The bartender, a big strappin’ guy said ” What will it be mates, pints or 1/2 pints,? meanwhile he threw a plate of cheese and unions in front of us. We ordered pints but the one dick from England, Dicks cousin, asked for a an O’Douls and I won’t repeat what the bartender said.

  2. I used to own a small grocery during the 70s and 80s in Hollywood,Ca. I can tell you from experience that Health Depts are necessary and at the same time usually a mixture of bizarre, anal and obsessive control freaks. It is no surprise that they would shut them down as they tried to clean the bar up.

  3. I had a drink there. Or six. Don’t remember much, but loved the staff. Sad. Hope they reopen soon. Not that I live in NYC, but one of the best bars I ever went to while visiting.

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