Fani Willis Ordered to Pay Big Money For ‘Intentionally’ Violating Open Records Laws in Bogus RICO Case Against Trump – IOTW Report

Fani Willis Ordered to Pay Big Money For ‘Intentionally’ Violating Open Records Laws in Bogus RICO Case Against Trump

Gateway Pundit; Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was ordered to pay $54,000 in attorneys’ fees for ‘intentionally’ violating open records laws in her bogus RICO case against Trump.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Rachel Krause ordered Fani Willis to pay legal fees for failing to provide requested records to the plaintiff’s lawyer, Ashleigh Merchant.

The judge said Fani Willis failed to provide records related to Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor hired to hunt down Trump.

Fani Willis had an illicit affair with Nathan Wade, the top prosecutor she hired to hunt down Trump in her RICO and conspiracy case against the former president. more

13 Comments on Fani Willis Ordered to Pay Big Money For ‘Intentionally’ Violating Open Records Laws in Bogus RICO Case Against Trump

  1. Doesn’t matter unless she has to pay it personally. I don’t even think there will be a political price to pay, although with this scale of intentional wrong doing it would seem that at a minimum she should be disbarred.

  2. Good!
    … but does 54K really amount to that much in today’s money?
    Don’t get me wrong, it’ll leave a mark, but to democRATz it’s just a badge of honor and a shoulder-shrugging cost of doing the business of democRAT skullduggery. It won’t change a thing.

  3. @Sippin’ Covfefe:

    Doesn’t matter unless she has to pay it personally.

    Amen to that! I’d very much like to see her pay it off personally at the rate of, say, $1,000 a pound.


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