Fani Wills facing 22 articles of impeachment  – IOTW Report

Fani Wills facing 22 articles of impeachment 


Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has found herself in hot water over the past few weeks as allegations of misconduct have sprung forth, casting a dark shadow on her behavior in the legal world, particularly as she continues to spearhead the Georgia election-related case against President Donald Trump.

As reported by RSBN, a story surfaced in the media that broke allegations concerning Willis’s involvement with an alleged romantic partner whom she hired to prosecute Trump, thus resulting in reported financial benefits. This partner has allegedly been identified as Nathan Wade, a private attorney.

According to The Epoch Times (TET), D.A. Willis is now facing 22 articles of impeachment on the heels of these allegations, following House Resolution 872, submitted by Georgia State Rep. Charlice Byrd (R). more

19 Comments on Fani Wills facing 22 articles of impeachment 

  1. Expendable and Affirmative Action(AA) Fani was in WAY over her head. Even a newly minted, non-AA law school graduate has the smarts to stay the hell away from a case based purely upon hating the defendant.

  2. “Rump win the primaries lose the election, Joe Biden wins again.”

    Only by cheating. And then we come after you. You’ll dig the hell out of it. You should have just left us alone. There’s a world of hurt coming. Watch and see.

  3. Every single government (county,state, or federal) entity run by blacks to “redistribute” wealth to blacks is nothing but a corrupt conduit to enrich those who oversee the program.

    That is the simple reason why the vast majority of blacks are still poor although literally trillions have been doebt on them. Trillions to Africa as well. same effect, blacks are so endemically corrupt they will always be an anchor on every society that attempts to help them.

    It’s completely useless but the good news is they have become such dependent pigs at the gubmit teat they are outraged when that teat is pulled away to feed the millions if of illegal immigrants instead.

    The Demonrats are in a full panic now realizing far to late that open borders are poisoning the black vote. I suppose they simply don’t care at this point as the great replacement was always gonna hit blacks first and at 13% of the population the long game favors the migrants.

    This is exactly why Manchelle McSchlong will be the nominee to get the majority of these inherently ignorant people back on the plantation…

  4. Non-story, no one else says this is happening!! What else is new?
    22 MAGA wet cream-dream farts. But Butt tRumpo’s butt hurts soooooo bad…. a lil vaseline works While Big Bubba does the nasty to DJT ass in his shower stall. Screaming always makes it better, at least for Big Bubba, just look at the smile on his face.


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