A “Take it down” chant broke out at Camden Yards as this was unveiled in the eighth inning tonight. The banner has not been well-received. #Orioles pic.twitter.com/Orr7rqn8im
— Jon Meoli (@JonMeoli) August 2, 2019
19 Comments on Fans ejected from Baltimore game for unfurling banner supporting the president
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Judging from the crowd size, it looks like a Biden campaign stop.
Randy Newman 1977- ain’t nothin’ changed for a very long time…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TvDge63Iy8
I was gonna say. No one was at the game anyway. lol.
Unless the rest were trying to get in and got mugged out in the parking lot.
as an O’s fan & a PDT supporter I agree w/ the policy … as long as it’s enforced for everyone. I don’t go to ball games for politics … time & place
btw, I no longer go to O’s games unless I have a stadium parking pass … everywhere else you park (except for the hotel parking garage across the street … which is usually full) is on the edge of, or in, the shithole
I don’t know who sucks worse Baltimore or their crummy baseball team the Orioles. I’d place my bet on Baltimore and then the Orioles, at least the Orioles suck and they only are the second worst team in MLB next to the Detroit Tigers but they can’t make any policy that affects peoples lives like the city of Baltimore does. I wonder if George Will was one of the fans yelling to take down the Trump MAGA sign since he’s an Orioles fan. Are there a lot of rats that hang around Camden Yards to eat all the leftover food inside the stadium like shitgulls in other cities?
Agree with Molon Labe (sorry. I don’t have the fancy font)
Don’t bring politics to the game. Ever.
Besides the kaperknick and his kneelers being assholes, that wasnt/isnt the time or place for politics and crap like that, although i like it when its my politics being pimped it is still not right.
@PHenry, its easy once you know the secret….ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
I’m on an iPhone. Maybe there’s a way, but I don’t know how.
Then stop censoring us Liberals! We will get our message out the traditional way or anyway possible. If you weren’t such cowards you would listen to the truth for a change instead of being sheep.
@Tiger Eyes ~ a comma, precisely placed, is a wonderful thing
the difference:
‘Let’s eat grandma’
‘Let’s eat, grandma’ … 😉
Haggard old msNBC Barnicle Bill just wants desperately to get away from Trump flags. He might just stroke out watching one of those day games. Mourning juice is so tiring on an old piece of creep like him. His paid subsidized game time and tickets on top are a drag on ole joe n mika bottom feeder lines. Cooked Books, Baltimore Readers and a TV couple married by a King Rat in the Deep State.
“We are so honored, Elijah” Brzezinski replied.
It’s far easier for liberals to be sheep since they don’t believe in anything but themselves and their good intentions. They need sheep dogs to keep them in line but they won’t listen to the sheep dogs because they’re so damn stubborn and want the government to do everything for them except for their leaders of course. They’ve been brainwashed into believing everything that their masters say is true and need good shepherds to guide them like God but also I believe that President Trump is also a good shepherd in the manner of King David faults and all. And that drives them nuts since they believe that their leaders are infallible like JFK, Clinton etc. with all their sexual peccadillos while Trumps peccadillos are out in the open and he makes no bones about them, he’s knows that he’s flawed while the democraps cover up their sins like it’s no big deal because they mistakenly think that they’re better than us and we should let them get away with it because everyone does it, so who are to judge. I prefer President Trump flaws and all over holier than thou, sanctimonious democraps.
0bama had a lot of time to kill as president. He was at a lot of basketball games. I’m sure the suckers in attendance had 0bama t shirts and shit. lol
While I agree that politics should NOT be at certain public events….It’s a shame that to acknowledge our own presidential representation, (banner), and/or the most revered, (American Flag), would be held in contempt by the very citizens that those symbols stand for.
I just find the new era of the perpetual campaign to be exhausting and infuriating.
We are 15 months, roughly 455 days away from the election. And we’ve already been subjected to 60 plus days of campaigning and debates.
STFU and go away.
Amen, PHenry I want the silly season to be over and for President Trump to be reelected. I am so sick and tired of all the democrap bs as I believe that most other Americans are as well.
Who threw them out – the rats? 😳
PHenry “I just find the new era of the perpetual campaign to be exhausting and infuriating.”
That is what happens when people donate money to these a$$holes The more money they get the longer the campaigning will be. We wouldn’t have to put up with this if nobody gave these clowns any cash. Most of these clowns have no chance of winning, but since someone else is paying for it they continue the charade.
Politics has no place in sporting events. Now, kneel for the National Anthem….