Fantastic Rant by Woman Who Points Out the Abject Stupidity of the Shrieking General Public – IOTW Report

Fantastic Rant by Woman Who Points Out the Abject Stupidity of the Shrieking General Public

I can hang with this lady as we frolic about town throat punching aholes.

35 Comments on Fantastic Rant by Woman Who Points Out the Abject Stupidity of the Shrieking General Public

  1. Good for her!
    Dallas’ dumbass democrat mayor just announced all restaurants and bars will be closed. Texas has had one death, a 90 year old man. Hell they kill more people than that in Oak Cliff before dinner!

  2. Chiseled in stone by the ancient Greeks”
    “Half-knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance.”

    There’s much danger out there. A “Safe Social Distance” would necessitate 100 yds from most people.

  3. Paper Pigs adapted from the Black Sabbath Work…

    People gathered in their masses
    To buy paper for their asses
    Panicked minds that fear destruction
    Hoarding all of Charmin’s production
    In the loos the bowels churning
    As the over stored food keeps turning
    Amused at my fellow Mankind
    The antics of their brainwashed minds…

    Oh Lord yeah!

    Purell is getting stocked away
    By gougers looking for a score
    What’s the value of all those cleaning goods
    When they’re all locked behind some fool’s door?
    Time will tell about the grocery lines
    If people will keep buying by the ton
    Emptying their savings like a war chest
    Wait ’till their rent due day comes, yeah!

    Now in darkness, markets whirring
    Ashes where the stocks are burning
    No more paper pigs to show a glower
    The bull market has just hit the showers
    Day of Judgment, Bonds are calling
    On their knees the paper pigs are crawling
    Begging forgiveness of their debts
    Globalists, laughing, spread their wings…

    Oh Lord, yeah!

  4. Grocery store clerk told me last night that over the weekend they had a customer who pulled a gun on another customer who had tried to swipe something from the other’s grocery cart.

    I mean, I’m totally down with defending yourself and your property with force if necessary, but WTF y’all.

  5. I think she’s right, it’s why I’ve been saying for years to remove all warning labels.

    I have germophobe family and friends. They only go through self checkout lines because they believe it’s safer. I love to freak them out and tell them how many people have touched their loaves of bread from the time they’re baked, packaged, stacked on a truck, unloaded from a truck to one facility, loaded back up on a truck to unload at store, to stocked on the shelves and then all the people who squeeze the bread. Then all the people who touch that touch screen that they touch, then touch the credit/debit card machine.

  6. It’s been interesting and alarming to watch this. I have underestimated the control the media has over the general population and am inclined to believe this is a dry run for something bigger.

  7. I always get a kick out of the family with a brand new RV who is trying to keep their kids squeaky clean. Ain’t gonna happen except at the $100/night RV resort. Problem is, any kid worthy of respect is not going to have any fun in those places.

  8. I harken back to my childhood, when we read Chicken Little and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Common sense ain’t so common and I am perplexed by the hive mind. I guess the schools have done their job to teach people to not think things through and to panic at everything. The sky is falling!!! And the next actually real “Big Thing” may get ignored.

  9. My theory is that people have become more vulnerable over time through the ubiquitous use of ethyl alcohol “hand sanitizer”. It kills off the germs and the body has a weakened immune system because it’s never been inoculated with the tinctures of ordinary germs and viruses which make it immune to them and things like them. That’s why kids should play on big dirt piles and such out in the wild world where they come upon dead animals, rusty nails, and “things” of unknown substance and origin.

    Today’s kid isn’t even allowed to throw an inflated rubber ball at anyone. So-called “social distancing” has already happened through the use of smart phones.

  10. Just went to the DMV this morning. Maximum of 25 people at a time allowed in the building, keep 3 feet apart, etc. Then I paid with my card and used the keypad used by the 23 people in front of me, without cleaning in between.

  11. Leave it to Roman V to kill all of the joy from a mass panic. Spouting factoids like this is probably why you don’t get invited to many parties.

  12. Here’s something gross: Wiping down a grocery cart handle before you use it doesn’t help much. Whatever germs you didn’t wipe come right back with a vengeance. lol

    I have 1 major rule dealing with tourist trap casinos.
    When I’m at a casino, I do not touch my face, or my hair. If I do a buffet, I wash my hands up to above my wrists. When I get home, I throw the clothes in the washer, take a shower, etc.
    I learned that from catching a particularly bad flu one year. And I remembered rubbing my eye at the casino before that. Ugggggh!!! lol. I was horizontal for 2 weeks. Vomit, diarrhea, whatever. I still wonder if I caught swine flu.

    Also, same procedure goes for the doctor’s office.

  13. Finger lickin’ booger pickin’ y’all. I wish she would join us here at IOTWR.

    We went to Fairlawn today (suburb of Akron). My new glasses were ready at Lenscrafters. The mall was coming close to being a ghost town. They have reduced hours and staff at Lenscraters. While we sat and waited a woman came in, hovered at a counter and apparently swiped the bottle of hand sanitizer. WTF people…

  14. @Roman V MARCH 17, 2020 AT 1:27 PM
    “NEWS ALERT: You can’t kill a virus, they aren’t alive. And they aren’t bacteria which you can kill but aren’t all deadly.”

    Depends on how you define “alive”. If a virus has a “life cycle” (and they do), they can be “killed”. But I will settle for “interrupt their life cycle”.

  15. In my youth, we ate veggies we grew in the back lot, took a bath once a week, and no one wore deodorant. My siblings and friends all swam in the Ohio river before sewage plants by pushing away the oil spill, and ignoring what was floating down the river. And here we all are, still, pushing 80.
    Common sense:
    Wash your veggies and fruit when you get home – dish soap and water. It won’t hurt anything (think dishes washed that way). Don’t eat raw meat or fish, ever. Hope for the best.

  16. Booger-pickin, pimple-popping, fart-cupping, butt-picking, finger-licking, seat-sniffing, ballbag-slapping, nipple-twisting, nasty, self-absorbed Shitpickle! All part of the IOTWR lexicon!

    Aaaaannnnnd remember, some people are like an old TV set.
    Ya gottat slap ’em a few times before the picture comes in!

    Anything to help the good lady from Tennessee!

  17. @Abigail

    I actually like the smell of dirt. Yeah, It’s earthy. Nothing fancy about it, just plain old dirt. Especially after a rainfall.

    I like the smell of dusty parts of buildings or parking structures. Last week I parked my car in a hotel parking structure where there was a dusty space next to it. I liked the aroma and I’m not kidding.


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