FarCry’in Out Loud – IOTW Report

FarCry’in Out Loud

Watch out for those scary white American isolationist Christians!!

The video game franchise Far Cry is going to roll out its 5th iteration next year. The developers, Ubisoft, have already started revealing some aspects of the game including the location- Hope County, Montana- and the bad guys, “white American isolationists” who appear to be a Christian based cult called “Eden’s Gate.”


Kathy Shaidle says-

No word on when the same company will be doing a video game about Muslim terrorists:


Is it possible that these people sincerely think “Law & Order” reruns are the “news”, the way anorexics think they’re “fat”?



14 Comments on FarCry’in Out Loud

  1. Hey Alert. There’s a Catholic in the White House, influencing the President. Whale Oil Beef Hooked. The mussies in the White House never bothered the Media. Hey don’t mind me, I’m just drunk.

  2. I completely understand the French view point behind the game.

    There are no white, Christian Nationalists left in France.
    They’ve all surrendered to Global Governance, its European Arm the EU and Satan’s minions, Islam, Socialism and political correctness.

    France, like “not so” Great Britain, used to be an International powerhouse with vision, purpose and leadership. No more.

    France has willingly surrendered before the fight, Just like WW II. Not so Great Britain has surrendered and the unarmed good people just don’t realize it yet.

    Soon, the US stands alone.

  3. Soon again you’ll be able to buy French military equipment somewhere in the world advertised as only being dropped once. 🤙 💩 🤡 ❄️ 🤣

  4. A communist tactic. Attack and undermine people who support and create the power base in a capitalist system. The left are skilled at using socialist propoganda like this stupid game to accomplish their goal.

  5. Unfortunately for the civilized world, we still do not appreciate what the problem truly is… Human history has very few examples of religions who were simply too evil for any civilized society to tolerate…BUT, there have been a few. When society finally accepts 1400 years of evidence of the evil that is Islam, we will either surrender or we will actually begin to fight. If society wins, then Islam will join that select group of religions.

    The truly sad part is that I had to put the word “If” at the beginning of the last sentence.

    MSG Grumpy

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