Fareed Zakaria, Caught in the People’s Cube – IOTW Report

Fareed Zakaria, Caught in the People’s Cube

Plagiarizer and Host of a CNN program, Fareed Zakaria, dedicated five minutes of precious airtime to recognize the amazing work of The People’s Cube.

Actually he accused the satirical website of trolling him and causing him and his family all kinds of grief. The Cube simply pushed back on Zakaria’s giddiness over the demise of the white male.

Of course publicity like that can’t be bought. In gratitude the founder of The Cube posted a response letter that proves, once again, just because someone gives you a public forum it doesn’t make you smart enough not to make a mockery of yourself.


22 Comments on Fareed Zakaria, Caught in the People’s Cube

  1. If I were mean spirited, I would wish that Zakaria might suffer from a real problem rather than his imaginary one.

    After some deep introspection (approximately 0.5 seconds), I find that in fact I am mean spirited, at least when circumstances warrant.

  2. I love guys like this, precious brown snowflake that he is.

    You can cheer the disappearing white male all ya want, folks. Browns, yellows, blacks, and hey, even some of you ladies, too.

    Just understand…

    When we’re not around expect a return to the old mud-hut lifestyle.

  3. The real crime was what the leftist propaganda site Snopes did.
    Falsely claiming that The Cube spreads malware cost them an advertiser account and income.
    There is more truth in the posts on the satire site The Peoples Cube than there ever will be at Snopes.

  4. It would seem that claim and the resulting loss of revenue is actionable.It would be interesting to find who financially supports Snopes and exactly who runs it.

    What brain dead morons think the Cube is a serious news site? The same ones thought The Daily Show was news.

  5. “A real problem. Something like intense constant anal itch would suffice.”

    Not sure that would really bother Fareed since it would just give him an excuse to scratch it with his favorite tool.

  6. I think this buttcrack is upset only because someone just told him The People’s Cube was a satirical site, and not really a legitimate news site like…uh, uh…well, we don’t really have those anymore, but unlike MSNBC and CNN, at least The People’s Cube is trying to be satirical and humorous. A major tip-off is that contributors to The People’s Cube include someone who’s avatar is a Cheeto dressed like a revolutionary and and squirrel, while serious news sites have anchors like Rachael Maddow, Wolf Blitzer and…damn, that comparison doesn’t work either because Commander Craptek is still more credible.

    In any event, I think folks like Zakaria are upset with The People’s Cube because the overstated, over-hyped, and ludicrously exaggerated views actually closely align with their own views, and then become outraged when someone intelligent informs them that The People’s Cube is played for satire. Progressives are the dumber oxen of the human race – unless hit over the head with a shovel, nothing really sinks in.

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