Farm Bureau Serving Up Plenty Of Steaming Propaganda For Thanksgiving – IOTW Report

Farm Bureau Serving Up Plenty Of Steaming Propaganda For Thanksgiving


You might have heard media talking about the cost of the “average family Thanksgiving dinner” being 14% more this year than last year [Video Example].  The media is quoting a survey conducted by the Farm Bureau [DATA LINK].  The survey is an exercise in abject nonsenseMore

19 Comments on Farm Bureau Serving Up Plenty Of Steaming Propaganda For Thanksgiving

  1. They “F’ING LOVE SCIENCE!” But the science of statistics is beyond their grasp. Words that blow the lefts mind; on average, per capita, IQ, bell curve. Say any of these and they only hear white noise.

  2. Turkeys at Aldi are $1.89 per pound so a 16 pounder is over $30. Getting a fresh turkey from a local farm is even more this year. Turkey breast this year or a trip to the Chinese buffet.

  3. 16 lbs of turkey and fixings for about 59 bucks and it will be 5 meals for 4 at about 4$ each….quit whining….when I go to my bean a rice supply, shit’s getting serious. I’m mostly peaceful though

  4. this is ridiculous … they’re averaging percentage up-costs of particular items instead of actual total up-costs … smoke & mirrors

    which is the actual inflated costs to our wallets

    … kinda like the ‘build back reaming your ass’ plan

  5. The low quality turkeys here are around .70 lb.
    The good ones are around $1.50 and just the breast is $5 lb.
    Milk is about $4 gal.
    I don’t know where they’re finding whipping cream for that cheap unless they go to Sam’s Club. Try twice that.
    I have a feeling they guessed and none of them actually shops.

  6. I visit my grocery store regularly.

    1 month ago (Canuckistan Thanks Giving in Oct.) a 5kg Turkey was $24
    After Thanks Giving, they did not lower the prices on those not purchased but kept them the same. There were a lot left over & unsold (I bought 3)

    last week, same Turkeys were re-priced at $45. New stickers put right on top of the old ones. November has NO SIGNIFICANT Holidays up here. No reason except INFLATION.

    Thanks JoeTard & Turdeau


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