Farmer’s Markets – RACIST – IOTW Report

Farmer’s Markets – RACIST

Moose Obama’s big complaint was that there were Food Deserts (I think her complaint was that there weren’t enough food desserts) in the inner cities, leaving areas dangerously free of fruits and vegetables.

Now the complaint is that Farmer’s Markets are racist.

Can we just agree to that there is no pleasing the Professional Victimhood Complex, so it’s best to just ignore their complaints?

Campus Reform-

  • Two San Diego State University professors contributed a chapter to a new anthology arguing that farmers’ markets are “insidious” “white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized.”
  • While farmers’ markets are often established as a way of fighting “food deserts” in low-income areas, the professors complain that 44 percent of San Diego farmers’ markets are located in census tracts with high levels of gentrification.

Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando J Bosco, two geography professors at SDSU, criticized the “whiteness of farmers’ markets” in a chapter for Just Green Enough, a new anthology published by Routledge in December.

“Farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized.”

The anthology, which features contributions from a variety of professors, aims to highlight the harms of “environmental gentrification,” a process in which “environmental improvements lead to…the displacement of long-term residents.”

Farmers’ markets are one such environmental improvement that can lead to gentrification, Bosco and Joassart-Marcelli argue, saying farmers’ markets are “exclusionary” since locals may not be able to “afford the food and/or feel excluded from these new spaces.”


It sounds like the professors want beautiful clean areas, with amenities, nice infrastructure, magnificent shopping, mostly black people, with real estate at ghetto prices.

A prog can dream, can’t they?

ht/ Christian PDX



26 Comments on Farmer’s Markets – RACIST

  1. Ghettos are food deserts because many people living in the ghetto are total assholes who rob and shop lift and hassle people in public all the time, making it so nobody wants to open food vendors there nor go there to eat.

    There’s a good possibility that if you live in a ghetto it’s because your life choices and behavior make it impossible for you to live anywhere else.

  2. Oh for the love of God. Why don’t they just list what isn’t racist if there is anything and call it a day.

    So sick of these wingnut professors. They should all be fired if this is how they spend their days.
    Why anyone would send their kids to college anymore is beyond me.


    💣 TRUTH BOMB #1: The blacks steal from the supermarkets, and they close up and/or move away. Wasn’t a food desert until the blacks showed up.
    💣 TRUTH BOMB #2: My extended family lived in Madison, Wisconsin. (they’re dead now). Look at the google maps link at the bottom, then read on….

    💠 Map of low-income, “Allied Drive” neighborhood. All the worst of Chicago scum, welfare, drug dealers moved up and live there.
    💠 You see the U-Haul building on the left-side of the highway? Do you know what that was? It was a CUB FOODS SUPER MARKET! The black people looted it dry. They closed up in less than 1 year. MY UPLOADED PHOTO OF CUB FOODS, “FOOD DESERT.”
    💠 Zoom-in on the right side. You see the McDonalds? Scroll to your NorthWest a little bit. You see the COIN LAUNDRY building with red on top? Do you know what that was? A SUPER-SAVER FOOD STORE! The black people looted it dry as well. It’s now a desert.
    💠 Do you see the Bank in the same parking lot? That used to be a WALGREENS! The black people looted that dry as well.
    💠 Do you see slightly NorthWest again, in the same parking lot, the stores black people don’t like: Tools, Lumber, Autozone? That whole area used to be a SHOPPING MALL! The black people not only looted it dry, they chased away all the white customers who didn’t trust leaving their cars in the parking lot for 30 minutes.
    💠 Look back across the highway, you see HOME DEPOT? (another store black people hate). That area used to be a TOYS R US, and …….YEP! A food supermarket! Guess what happened to it? Yes, the black people looted it dry, and they closed up, sold the land.

    🔥 FOOD DESERT MY ASS! 🔥 It’s a food desert because black people MADE it a food desert.
    💠 The very last thing I ever heard about that God-forsaken place, was that the city was going to re-route buses so the food-looters could ride to the next nearest supermarket and back. I’m sure those places beefed up security, they’re going to need it.

    Google Maps: Verona Road, Madison, Wisconsin.,+WI/@43.0338797,-89.4573116,463m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8806536d3a2019ff:0x4e0cfcb5ba484198!8m2!3d43.0730517!4d-89.4012302

  4. Food deserts. I like how they stop just short of the root cause. If there was a profit to be had selling fruits and vegetables in a certain area with minimal overhead or loss, that area would be like the freaking Garden of Eden.

    I’m pretty sure the liquor, weed and other essentials are quite available in some of these food deserts. The law of supply & demand combined with welfare does not seem to attract a lot of Farmer John storefronts.

  5. Watermelon and chittlins would be a vast improvement over Doritos and grape soda. They get no fiber. So they are backed up. Constipated. So they’re angry.
    That leads to gun violence.

    Dot. Dot. Dot

    All they need to fix this anger issue is a satisfying bowel movement. No fiber. No peace.

    Now if you’ll excuse me….. I’ve got an anger issue of my own I need to back out.

    Check back with you later.

    And yes. My commenting has reached an all time low.

  6. Grocery stores close down because a market must operate with cash on hand. They cannot accept 85% EBT cards daily, and expect to stay open. Several markets in CA have closed because of illegal aliens were using welfare as payment. Electronic welfare payments doesn’t mean the market gets paid right away. Some times not at all. Just like medicaid with doctors.

  7. I eat pretty healthy on $300 a month.
    My trick is that I almost never eat out, I never eat frozen prepared food, and when I do eat out I never eat fast food. If you prepare all your own food, you will eat well on that kind of money for one person.
    Also, if you follow a diabetic diet, it makes it much harder to make really bad food choices.

    America’s poor blacks seem to be destined to get it wrong.

  8. They want to dumb down our eating habits. If EVERYONE can’t have fresh organically grown healthy vegetables then NO ONE can. Therefore all must eat canned Monsanto gmo garbage.

    During the season I buy my vegetables at the local farmers market, where all growers/sellers have to register their gardens with the state of Utah because the U.S. government wants to know who is growing food in case they have to confiscate it. Utah was the pilot state for this government intrusion but I’m not concerned about it since Trump was elected.

  9. SOUP

    If you make your own soup at home, you will never buy that goop from a can ever again.

    I HATE tomato soup b/c Cambells ruined it for me until a couple of years ago, a lady had TOMATO/ DILL soup in a slow cooker and insisted that I try it (like Green Eggs and Ham) and it was pretty much the best soup I’d ever eaten.

    Experiment with some recipes and you will eat better than you ever have, but most people don’t have the patience to keep trying.

    Farmers markets really do bring in their best stuff. . .

  10. Farmers’ Markets are racist? GOOD!!!! I’m GLAD!!!

    Does that upset you, SJWs? If not, maybe this will help: Do blacks from trees count as fruit?

    There! Are you sufficiently pissed off now? I sure hope so! Please get so mad that you’ll start your long-threatened civil war. Don’t worry – we’ll finish it for you.

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