Farrakhan Calls For Black Men To Rise Up And Kill If the Government Won’t Do His Bidding – IOTW Report

Farrakhan Calls For Black Men To Rise Up And Kill If the Government Won’t Do His Bidding

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44 Comments on Farrakhan Calls For Black Men To Rise Up And Kill If the Government Won’t Do His Bidding

  1. OK I’ll say it . I’m not a lawyer. But what Farrackhan said amounted to inciting to riot and commit murder. How about a DOJ,FBI investigation? One overt act from anyone in that audience should be considered a crime. Shit like that does not come under the 1st Amendment. It’s worse, in this day and age,than shouting fire in a crowded theater. Farrackhan should be arrested.

  2. But the scumbag probably lives in a “sanctuary city” well protected by his own army of thugs, the Mayor, and the city council.

    And the cops are powerless. The FBI and the DOJ just don’t want to fuck with him on orders.

  3. Back in 1972 a 911 call was called about a crime at a mosque at 116 Street and Lenox Ave NYC Cops responded to the mosque. One cop, Philip Cardillo was shot to death. The case was never really solved. Louis Farrackan was the grand swaimi of the mosque and he never cooperated with the police. And the Mayor and the PC were content with the outcome. There were no riots.
    John Lindsey, Mayor did not want to hear the word Riot.
    That was thirty years ago and the FBI are still on his ass, just like they were back then in 1972.

  4. To finish the sentence for you:

    ‘,,,and the boss is itching for that fight.’

    A real reason for Martial law – to stop the whiteys from defending themselves and winning.

    “We’re going to need you to turn in your guns now. You have to stop defending yourselves against the Didin-do-nuffins. It’s time for you to die and stop being free people. You’ve had your time and now it’s over.”

  5. Face it folks… It’s Orwell’s “Animal Farm”. Some pigs (no pun intended) are more equal than other animals.

    America is now a Constitutional Mockery.

  6. He wants people who are too lazy to work biting holes in doughnuts to rise “up” (any other direction to rise?) and make him Emperor?

    Fucking moron needs to put down the crack pipe.

  7. A warning to the thug community…..

    We are ready for you.
    Go ahead and destroy your shit-hole cities, then enjoy your home.
    You so much as poke your head into the suburbs you are in for a horrible surprise.
    Try going into the rural areas, and you will be shot on site.

  8. Mary Jane, I think he has been watching too many Jim Jones documentaries. You gotta know that the Lord has a special place in hell for these kind of people. Why a big thumb doesn’t come down from heaven and squash the living daylights out of a few of them I’ll never understand.

  9. nahh the govt’s already procured a coupla million cheesy “caskets” and body bags for the ones who couldn’t survive the fema camps, so they really don’t need us around anyhow…

  10. And what…make him a martyr? He’d be ot on bail. Then a circus of a trial with a riotous crowd outside awaiting the verdict in a democrat run city. Sound familiar? No? There would be celebrities, on the red carpet, at the superbowl and internet memes wearing bow ties and swearing solidarity. Now does it sound familiar? Just let calypso Louie dwhat hes always done and he’ll do dead of natural causes or black on black crime soon enough.

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