Fascists Gonna Fasc – Haley Bans Daily Mail – IOTW Report

Fascists Gonna Fasc – Haley Bans Daily Mail


Nikki Haley holds herself up as the adult in the room – but from this journalist’s perspective, she appears to be nothing more than a petty, thin-skinned, petulant child.

Perhaps, worse.

On Friday, Haley’s campaign booted out DailyMail.com journalists from her New Hampshire rally – and then informed the website, one of the largest English-language online news outlets in the world – that they’ll be banned from any and all future events.

It’s enough to make one wonder: Did something rub off on the former U.N. Ambassador as she sat next to RussiaChina and Iran?

This is not how it works in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

So, what happened that was so ghastly, so horrid, so out-of-bounds that it merited a campaign trail death sentence?

Nothing more than journalists doing their jobs.

Earlier Friday, DailyMail.com reported on exclusive new sources alleging that Haley was lying in 2010 when she denied having two alleged extramarital affairs.

The initial claims were based on the sworn affidavits of Will Folks, 49, and Larry Marchant, 61.

It’s enough to make one wonder: Did something rub off on the former U.N. Ambassador as she sat next to RussiaChina and Iran?

This is not how it works in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

So, what happened that was so ghastly, so horrid, so out-of-bounds that it merited a campaign trail death sentence?

Nothing more than journalists doing their jobs.

Earlier Friday, DailyMail.com reported on exclusive new sources alleging that Haley was lying in 2010 when she denied having two alleged extramarital affairs.

The initial claims were based on the sworn affidavits of Will Folks, 49, and Larry Marchant, 61.

Of course, one can see why the Governor would be personally discomfited by this reporting, but this unquestionably legitimate report cuts straight to the heart of Haley’s raison d’etre.

If proven true, the allegations undermine one of her key talking points – that her husband’s service in the South Carolina Army National Guard is a driving force behind her run.

‘I’m doing this for my husband and his military brothers and sisters. They need to know their sacrifice matters,’ Haley often says.

And that’s not all.

When asked at a debate if Donald Trump had the ‘character’ to be elected president again, Haley said that ‘moral clarity’ is a prerequisite for the position.

You see, Missus Haley – this is a job interview. Not a coronation or a launching pad for your ambitions.

If you’d like hold the same office as George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, you’ll have to face a few tough, perhaps, uncomfortable questions.

It is not the role of journalists to lick the boots of politicians.

It’s our duty to hold your feet to the fire.

Haley has exhibited an authoritarian street. And this isn’t the first time she has veered in the direction of despotic attacks.


11 Comments on Fascists Gonna Fasc – Haley Bans Daily Mail

  1. After this, any honorable “journalists” should refuse to cover her “campaign.”
    (yeah, don’t laugh)

    Most “journalists” are lickspittles, ass-kissers, nihilistic totalitarian sycophants, and paid propagandists – which is why Haley and DeSantis are angry and confused when one actually asks a question that may have some relevance.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Daily Mail: UK tabloid sleeze-bag trash. Reporters, thats a stretch. Right next to the National Enquirer in supermarket checkout stands. Filthy maggot types need this so they won’t feel alone with their deranged thoughts. Like the Former Guy doesn’t bar legit reporters.
    Nikki kicked this tabloid trash to the curb, good for her.

  3. Trump may have called CNN and MSDNC “fake news” (which they are) but at least he didn’t ban them his events. I think it was too much fun having them there to make fun of. But this is something completely different, Nimrata, and maybe reveals a bit too much of who and what you really are.

  4. Anything I need to know about Nikki Haley I got verified by Vivek Rama….

    I still can’t see clearly through this GOP mud-wrestling debacle. Unless, like the War for Youkrane, this is just shitweasel traitors like Ronna just laundering cash as they sell this country to Hell.


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