Fast and Furious Whistleblower Says He Became An ‘Enemy of the State’ – IOTW Report

Fast and Furious Whistleblower Says He Became An ‘Enemy of the State’

When Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed, I immediately noticed that my agency was attempting to cover up any link between the investigation and the strategy that we employed and the death of Agent Terry. – John Dodson.

Daily Signal:

It’s one of the longest running Congressional investigations of our time: the probe into Fast and Furious. The government’s secret operation to watch … as thousands of weapons were trafficked to Mexico’s killer drug cartels. In many respects, the story began when federal agent John Dodson agreed to an interview with me in March of 2011. It was highly unusual, if not unprecedented, for a sitting federal agent to speak out in such a strong way. In the latest episode of “Full Measure,” investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson catches up, six years later.



7 Comments on Fast and Furious Whistleblower Says He Became An ‘Enemy of the State’

  1. Congress has the responsibility to over-see Federal Agencies, their efforts are ignored, thwarted and denied by the agencies and DOJ. The rogue ATF is one of the worst.

    There is a systemic abuse of power when agencies Police themselves, the DOJ is complicit and congress is a toothless watch dog.

    Mueller wants to investigate obstruction of justice?
    ATF’s Fast and furious and the resulting murders is an excellent opportunity to start.

  2. Truth and justice….the American way…..public servants….they hate us for our freedom….documents are sealed….they are in the great black donkeys library….you have to pass it to find out whats in it….what difference at this point does it make….what a whopping load of BS our government has become. Oh and of course, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Seems like lie, steal, kill, is the only thing they are good at.

  3. It’s good to see that the public at large is finally getting a glimpse of just how corrupt this government has become. Thank God for Trump because any other politician wouldn’t have touched this.

  4. It’s too bad we don’t have a litmus test for people who want to work in these government agencies, something like:
    “do you think that the government controls the people or rather the people control the government?”; or
    “do you believe that when there is a gray area, that the final decision should be in favor of your agency or rather in favor of the citizen?”
    I wander?
    What would happen if we finally elected a President who could write an Executive Order directing all agencies to be subservient to and always make decisions in favor for the American citizens?
    We did?
    It’s been only 6 months, still not tired of saying that!!!!
    I am fricking loving this!!!!!!
    I have no doubt that prosecutions WILL be coming down the pike. Got to give them time to get into office and get the right people in the right places.
    Here’s to hoping that Wray has his way with the traitors in our mist!

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