Fast Bird – IOTW Report

19 Comments on Fast Bird

  1. Why shouldn’t a bird get in on the action. I’ve seen videos of a fisherman on the shore almost getting the fish to his net when suddenly a bear rushed out from the bushes and took his fish. Another one of an angler wading and fly fishing have a bald eagle swoop down and grab his hooked fish and fly off as he was reeling it in.

    Wild critter aren’t lazy. They are careful energy accountants when looking for a meal.

  2. Friends of ours here in Ohio have a kookaburra. He uses his cell phone ring tone to set the bird off into its famous call. I swear that bird grins when it’s finished. Hilarious.

  3. My dad was fishing at a local lake and when he caught a fish and put it on the dock the cormorants would swoop down and steal most of the fish that he caught. And my daughter and I one time by Manito pond on Spokanes S. hill once saw a kestrel catch a catfish out of the pond but an osprey swooped down on the kestrel to steal its catch and knocked the catfish onto the ground. I threw the bloody catfish back into the pond.


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