Fastest growing state in the country will shock you – IOTW Report

Fastest growing state in the country will shock you

I hope it’s unwelcome conservative refugees in a blue state fleeing to a red state-not progressives fleeing a blue state to ruin a red state. – illustr8r


The U.S. Census Bureau found that net international migration to the U.S. has continued growing the country’s population –with 1.1 million foreign nationals being admitted over the last year – with the overall U.S. population growing by 2.3 million individuals.

Every year, 1.5 million foreign nationals arrive in the U.S. The foreign-born population, most recently, has reached historic levels, with now more than 44 million immigrants residing in the country, as Breitbart News reported.

Mexico has the largest group of legal and illegal foreign nationals in the U.S., with 1.1 million immigrants from the country arriving in the U.S. between 2010 and 2016. Mexican nationals make up roughly one in eight new arrivals to the U.S.

The largest increases from 2015 to 2016 to immigration to the U.S. have come from the Middle East, the Carribean, Central America, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The booming foreign-born population is largely due to family-based chain migration, which was established by the 1965 immigration legislation allowing new arrivals to the U.S. to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives with them.



12 Comments on Fastest growing state in the country will shock you

  1. The class of immigrants coming in will turn the state into a sewer before too long. They want votes and cheap labor, we get the tax burden and crime along with the crumbling schools and shabby housing projects.

  2. Standing on a hilltop near a small town in Idaho. In the darkness of evening one can see lights from the windows and porches of 10 houses. One house is different. Only one house in the 10 is cheerfully decorated with Christmas lights. That house gets decorated for every major American holiday throughout the year. The father works two jobs to support a wife and kids. An SUV and a pickup truck are in the driveway. Three horses and 4 small cattle are eating hay in a very small pasture in the yard. In that house lives a hard working family from Mexico. This is not fiction. The new Americans.

  3. There is nothing wrong with Idaho, believe me. If my Dad had taken over my Grandfathers small truck farm in Dalton Gardens just North of Coeur d Alene in the mid 60’s after he died I would have grown up in CDA. But reality bites and it would’ve been hard to run for him to run a small business and farm at the same time with 4 boys. Sometimes I wish he would’ve kept the farm in the family especially now that Dalton Gardens has turned into a semi wealthy bedroom community and where my Grandfathers home and farm at the foot of Canfield Mountain was is now a lot of very expensive houses on expensive minimum 1-2 acre lots that where he bought 5 acres, later 10 acres of very good farm land for about $1,000 back in the 1930’s. Oh well, at least I spend most of my work days delivering flowers in Idaho and Western Montana. The only other better place is the Wallowa valley in Far NE Oregon down around the small towns of Enterprise, Joseph (named after Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indian tribe), Wallowa and Lostine, Or. and Wallowa Lake and the Eagle Cap Wilderness Area. beautiful country and for the most part unspoiled country that the US Govt. kicked the Nez Perce Indians out of back in the 1870’s and started the Nez Perce Indian wars with the govt. chasing them almost to Canada over in Montana when Chief Joseph finally surrendered and we gave them land for a reservation up by Nezpelem, Wa. up around Grand Coulee Dam which is really BFE if you’ve ever been there, nothing but dry scab land which would be worthless nowadays if it weren’t for dams built on the Columbia River to provide hydroelectric power and irrigation to the region.

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