Fat and Happy – IOTW Report

Fat and Happy


West Virginia (41%), Louisiana (40.1%) and Oklahoma (40%) are the states with the fattest populations in the nation, laying claim to the highest proportion of adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 40% or greater, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“The latest data from CDC is looking grim,” says Jamie Bussel of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a health-based philanthropic organization. “Twenty-two states had an adult obesity rate at or above 35%. And that was up from 19 states the year before. And when we look back a decade ago, no states had an adult obesity rate at or above 35%. So yes, clearly, when you look at the numbers, they’re not going in the right direction.” More

30 Comments on Fat and Happy

  1. Really? Not Iowa?
    The beef and cornfed state?
    Land of fatty dairy products, fried dough sugary funnel cakes, sausages and actual sticks of fried butter??

    I’ve never seen so many STUPID FAT ASSES in my life!

    (Plus, they’re mostly stinkin liberals and they WILL tell you how to live YOUR life and how great their hero Joey is doing.)

  2. BMI is garbage. It can be useful for assessing large populations, but on an individual level Simone Biles is grossly overweight and an anorexic is healthy.
    My new state, SC, is likely near the top. But I have noted that at my church nearly everyone, all ages, is pretty fit and healthy. There are always plenty of people like you, no matter what you are like.

  3. I believe the average American eats 30% more by volume than they did just 40 years ago.
    All the while we do much less walking, physical labor.

    I didn’t read the article but I imagine it said something along the lines of:
    “Women & minorities hardest hit”

  4. Around here I’ve noticed it mostly with women, and the change is rapid. The girls around here I would consider a normal weight, a few of them were very skinny. Then they grew up, ALL of them are overweight. They went from 110-120 lbs to 200-250 lbs in a matter of 1 year. All of them between 18 and 20 years old is when they packed on the pounds. One of them with a fat father, so genetics perhaps in her case, her old man has been pregnant for as long as I’ve known him, 20+ years. She went from a tiny little 90lb girl to heavier than her father, 275+ lbs in a matter of 1 year. Crazy shit.

  5. No physical fitness whatsoever. THAT is the problem. THAT is why America is full of fat lard-asses. Vigorous comprehensive physical fitness 3/4 times a week. Eat what you want. FATSO problem solved. *Disease* my fit white arse.

  6. High Fructose Corn Syrup is in everything and the body cannot digest it. A majority of the jobs are fat corn syrup eating liberals sitting on their asses censoring the truth.

  7. I read the comments from Woody above denigrating Iowa and their supposed ignorant and fat people; also that they’re a liberal state. Woody is a dufus: Governor-Republican. U.S. Senators both Republican. Five members of the U.S. Congress. All five Republican. Ban this dude.

  8. There are several YT channels that play old footage of street scenes across America. The thing that strikes me in every one, from whatever decade from the early 1900s through the 70s, is “where are the fat people?”

  9. “BMI is garbage. It can be useful for assessing large populations”

    True. According to their index at 6’1″ I’m one FF. Even though I’m about as vascular is can get. I don’t think these fat zombies are location sensitive. I see more fatties than I do people in shape. It makes you wonder what they’re thinking or just how lazy they are. It still comes down to calories in and calories out. Period, end of story. It’s no big secret.
    I did just spend a week in Maui though and even remarked to the wife that it was nice seeing a bunch of people that were in pretty good shape. I don’t think we ran into one ultra tubby.

  10. Actually healthy eating is a lot more than calories in/out.

    4 ounces of steak, say a ribeye is about 200 calories and provides around 20 grams of protein.

    A large can of Coke, 106 oz., is also about 200 calories.

    A calorie is a calorie is a calorie is a lie the soft drink industry has repeated for decades to get people to think that simply reducing calories is the way to lose weight. And if you don’t you’re weak. They’re trying to shift blame onto people who they’ve addicted to their sugary drinks.

    Every calorie is different. It takes different amounts of calories to process different kinds of calories. One reason sugary calories are so deadly is because of their quick conversion to glucose shooting up insulin resistance. Beef protein OTOH takes much longer to digest, slowly releasing nutrients.

    When you were younger and looking to grow muscle, honestly, did you mindlessly consume calories? Of course not.

  11. “Actually healthy eating is a lot more than calories in/out.”

    That’s probably why they call it healthy eating. I’m referring to weight loss. And you don’t burn calories doing aerobics.

  12. You can ignore calorie counts if you simply lower your quantities.
    Eat pizza, fried chicken, bacon-double-cheeseburgers whatever and still control or lose weight.

    Um, you DO burn calories as energy doing aerobics.
    Almost twice as many as weightlifting.

  13. Um, but only while you’re doing aerobics. When you resistance train you tear down muscle fiber and you burn calories all the time it’s repairing itself and obviously you don’t work legs. Um

  14. left coast Dan
    there’s a minimum healthy BMI that would keep from declaring an anorexic healthy. You said it, Simone Biles would be grossly OVERWEIGHT, not fat, which is what BMI measures.

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