“Fat But Fit” Takes A Hit – IOTW Report

“Fat But Fit” Takes A Hit

Deep down we all knew that you can’t be both fat and healthy at the same time. Now a new study of 520,000 people, published in the European Health Journal, goes a long way to debunking the wrongheaded notion.

The “study found that overweight and obese people had a significantly higher hazard risk than those in the normal weight range.”






33 Comments on “Fat But Fit” Takes A Hit

  1. I’d like to know how many of our Medicaid dollars got spent and are getting spent on “mobility” scooters for the obese who wouldn’t need them if they just got up and walked from time to time.

  2. My thoughts and opinion on losing weight; Substitute spicy hot when you have a sweets craving. Eliminate sugar, grains, especially white flour and anything highly processed, and anything with soybean or hydrogenated oil. Don’t fall for the “fat free” bullshit. Nothing wrong with some fat. Meat, avocados, dark berries, most fruit, are good. Almond butter is almost edible if you stir some tabbasco sauce in it. Drink the shit out of black coffee. Mustard is good, ketchup is not. I just dropped 25 pounds and pretty much eliminated acid reflux, and this all worked for me.

  3. Has anyone else noticed that over the years (decades, really) the standards by which one is judged to be declared overweight or obese have changed a lot? People who weren’t fat before are fat now even though their weight and muscle makeup hasn’t changed. Wazzup widat? Medical profession conspiracy with diet food distributors and health club owners?

  4. “NFL Linemen would be the only exception to big, fat, and fit.”

    No, I weigh 280 by choice. Weight lifter. I know I’ve cut my life shorter than if I were a none lifter skinny MoFo. Blood pressure sky rockets with poundage beyond the original design intent. Just that simple. Unless of course you just keep lifting. That’s my plan.

  5. Try finding an open handicap spot in any shopping center in Guam, or any motorized shopping cart free here in Guam. Ain’t gonna happen.

    I saw one dude hadda been easily 700lbs wobbling in one of the grocery stores here. I don’t think you can drive more than 5 or 6 miles without passing a renal facility.

  6. A lot of light-hearted comments here tonight. But what about another angle. All of this fat shaming is leading towards the next wave. “The massive cost to health care and the system” will be the battle cry for forced this-or-that.
    Overweight people won’t just be paying more than their fair share.
    But the irony is all of the liberal attacks on fat people actually are a just reasoning for non-government involvement in health care. Let the overweight people take care of themselves so that they aren’t a burden on anyone else. Personal accountability???
    Unfortunately, as we all know, reasoning is lost on emoting adolescent adults.
    And so it will be “First they came for the christians, but I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a christian. Then they came for the smokers . . . . then they came for the fatties, and there was no one left to speak up.”

    Oh, who am I kidding? They’ll just round everyone all up at once. Save themselves some time that way.

  7. Just picked up “The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss” a couple days ago. Skimmed through it a bit, going to read it next week. Actually a good book (from what I can tell so far) with decent facts and actual evidence to back it.

    I’m not even fat. The topics interest me because healthy eating and body balance has lately grabbed my interest… or maybe it’s nutrition that’s most intriguing. Either way, it’s good understanding why people are how they are.

    Also read Suzanne Somers “TOX-SICK” She’s a bit extreme and doesn’t really have any facts outside personal experiences, but damn interesting.

  8. I think it’s odd that our government “food pyramid,” taught to children in grade school, recommends a carb-based diet. We’ve known since WWI that carbs make you fat (they figured it out when children in war-torn countries were all fat — because all they had to eat was bread). It’s almost like someone in our government wants our population to become a fat, helpless load of chunky monkeys.

  9. In all fairness, food has been manipulated by over the years. It’s difficult to get and keep fresh food like years past. Food now days is processed full of sugars,syrups, starches etc they never had in the past. Big agra is poisoning us.

  10. A lot of clothes sizes nave been revised for the new fatter normals. Often now a size M is what used to be a size L. I sometimes have to get size S shirts. Even small trousers and shorts labeled as 32″ waist are very loose. At 70, it is difficult to find small enough clothes. Problems of being in condition and not overweight.
    As a side note, the new trousers have short zippers which do not open low enough to urinate without unfastening and pulling them down. Ridiculous – a decent length zipper would be appreciated for real men.

  11. My wife reads all the food labels. If there are multiple lines of ingredients you can’t pronounce, don’t get it.
    The split out the sugar, high fruitcois corn syrup, etc. so none is a number one listed ingredient. The net result is burying the amount of sweeteners.


    …even though they aren’t. “Fit at any weight” is just classic liberal BULLSHITTING. If you can’t jump, or reach every part of your body with 2 hands, you are in fact NOT fit.

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